Minutes of Senior Staff and Center Directors’ Meeting 18 Dec 2000
The following documents the discussions addressed at the Senior Staff and
Center Directors’ Meeting on December 18, 2000. Mr. Goldin did not attend
the meeting. Action assignments have been placed in brackets [ ] for easy
1. AA Reports
B/Holz: Mr. Holz reported that as a result of the negotiations for the
remaining Federal agency appropriations, there will be an approximate 0.2
percent across-the-board recission of FY 2001 funds. Final negotiations
will define the specifics, but it appears that this will be implemented, in
accordance with the appropriations act, on a project-by- project basis
without prejudice.
J/Sutton: Mr. Sutton congratulated JSC and the White Sands Test Facility
(WSTF) on WSTF’s receipt of an award, the Environmental Protection Agency’s
(EPA) National Environmental Achievement Track. This award, signed by
Carol Browner, EPA Administrator, recognizes environmental excellence, and
is an EPA honor equivalent to the achieving of the Occupational Safety and
Health Administration’s Voluntary Protection Program status. WSTF is one
of about 200 facilities Nationwide to achieve this recognition and is now a
“Charter Member.” This award continues WSTF’s recent track record of
environmental excellence, including becoming the first NASA facility to be
ISO 14001 “Environmental Management System” certified. We are very proud
of the efforts of David Amidei, WSTF Environmental Manager, along with the
entire WSTF team.
AO/Holcomb: Mr. Holcomb thanked MSFC for setting up an executive briefing
at CISCO on December 11 and 12. The meeting focused on E-business and
using the Internet in business operations.
C/Christensen: Mr. Christensen reported on the following: 1) He reminded
everyone about the upcoming Honor Awards Ceremony. 2) He discussed the
memo regarding HQ Fellowships. 3) He discussed completion of security
training for managers.
2. Dr. Mulville
Dr. Mulville reported on the following: 1) The Senior Management Council
will meet tomorrow (December 19) from 7:30 a.m. to 5 p.m., in MIC-7. 2)
The Senior Staff Telecon for the Week of December 25 is cancelled. The
next telecon will be held on Tuesday, January 2, 2001, at 11 a.m. eastern
time. As a reminder, during the week of December 25, Code A employees are
encouraged to use their annual leave due to the fact that renovation work
is scheduled in Code A’s Front Office. Code A’s telephone lines will be
transferred to Code U. Everyone is asked to be patient if they experience
difficulties in contacting Code A staff members. 3) Dr. Mulville wished
all NASA employees and their families a happy and safe holiday season.
3. Center Reports
GRC/Barna: Mr. Barna reported on the following: 1) The GRC-supplied
Plasma Contactor Units (PCU’s) on the International Space Station (ISS) are
functioning as planned. With a single solar array wind deployed and
generating electricity, the ground current changes are as expected with the
number of active solar cell strings. This suggests that the PCU is
successfully supplying the current that is needed to maintain the ISS
structure at a safe electric potential level. By generating high-density
xenonplasma, the PCU makes good electrical contact with the ambient space
plasma and prevents the ISS structure from “floating” at a high potential,
which could cause arcing. 2) An Interagency (NASA/Department of
Defense/Department of Energy) Propulsion and Ground-Based Power Systems
Alliance Workshop was held in Arlington, Virginia, on December 7-8,
2000. The Alliance identified close to 30 interagency collaborative
activities that covered the following technology areas: joint testing,
compressors, combustors, turbines, materials, structures, mechanical
components, design tools and engine simulation, and instrumentation and
controls. Workshop No. 5-participants included industry and the workshop
focused on implementation of the defined collaborations, as well as
understanding the associated communication protocols and success metrics
needed for an effective growing alliance.
JSC/Abbey: Mr. Abbey reported on the following: 1) Space Station is doing
well. 2) There will be a delay in the rollout of the next orbiter due to a
problem with cables on the Solid Rocket Booster. Recommendation for
closure of the issue will be made next week.
LaRC/Freeman: Mr. Freeman reported that Dr. Creedon is doing fine
following his recent surgery for a detached retina.
MSFC/Griner: Ms. Griner reported on the following: 1) The 3rd Multi
Purpose Logistic Module for ISS is being accepted in Italy this
week. MSFC’s Flight Projects Office has two people in Italy participating
in this. 2) This is the last telecon with NASA in which Ms. Griner will be
participating. She is retiring January 3. She noted that it is with honor
and pride that she is leaving NASA/MSFC. She added that it has been a
wonderful experience to have known and worked with everyone, and she will
remember each one as she moves into the next great adventure of her
life. She wished each one a Happy Holiday Season.