Minutes of Senior Staff and Center Directors’ Meeting 06-26-2000
The following documents the discussions addressed at the Senior Staff and
Center Directors’ Meeting on June 26, 2000. Mr. Goldin did not attend the
meeting. Action assignments have been placed in brackets [ ] for easy
1. AA Reports
E/Reese: Mr. Reese reported that today will be the graduation of the
second class of the NASA Administrator’s Fellows which included ARC, GRC,
KSC, MSFC, and Norfolk State University. It is also the beginning of the
next class which will include DFRC, GRC, JSC, KSC, LaRC, and MSFC. The
NASA Administrator’s Fellows Program is a 2-year developmental assignment
in which educators from minority universities can work at NASA Centers and
NASA employees can teach at universities.
K/Diamond: Mr. Diamond reported that Ralph Thomas is attending the Small
Business Economic Development Summit in Montana, sponsored by Senator Max
Baucus (D-MT).
Q/Greenfield: Dr. Greenfield reported that there was a review on Friday,
June 23, of the TDRS (Tracking and Data Relay Satellite)-H mission success,
and everything looks good.
AE/Figueroa: Mr. Figueroa reported that the software Integration
Validation and Verification criteria were completed by the Software Working
Group last Friday, June 23, after input from programs and projects and
systems management offices at several Centers. The criteria will be
distributed to Centers and Enterprises via a memo jointly signed by Codes
AO and Q with AE which will include details for its implementation. The
Software Working Group is to be commended for the timely delivery of an
excellent product.
F/Novak: Ms. Novak thanked LaRC for hosting a group of educators from the
University of Connecticut. Dr. Samuel Massenberg and the staff of the LaRC
Education Office put together an excellent agenda that met the objectives
of the team from the university which is pursuing an educational
partnership with NASA in conjunction with a planned research park in
Hartford, CT.
AO/Holcomb: Mr. Holcomb reported that on Saturday, June 24, President
Clinton unveiled a series of new e-government initiatives. Key among these
is “firstgov.gov,” a single online Federal Government Web site. This site
will provide citizens, small businesses, and community groups access to
roughly $500B in grants and procurement opportunities. In addition,
citizens, students, researchers, and Government employees will be able to
compete for a new $50K prize for the most innovative idea for advancing
I/Schumacher: Mr. Schumacher reported that a General Designer’s Review
(GDR) was held in Moscow, Russia, today. The GDR targeted July 12, 2000,
as the scheduled launch date for the Russian Service Module.
P/Wilhide: Ms. Wilhide reported on the following: 1) The top story was
the possibility of water on Mars. It absolutely swept the news over the
past 3 days. 2) LaRC’s painless dental laser surgery story also received
tremendous coverage. This proves that stories having the greatest potential
impact on people’s lives are of the greatest interest to citizens. 3) This
week, the story will be the TDRS launch coverage on Thursday. (Note: TDRS
launched on Friday, June 30.)
Z/McCormick: Ms. McCormick thanked the organizations for providing their
comments on the NASA Strategic Plan.
AS/Olsen: Dr. Olsen reported on the following: 1) The NASA Science
Council is scheduled to meet on July 6 from 9 to 11 a.m. and again on July
20 from 1 to 3 p.m. in Room 9H40. The subjects of discussion are the Space
Science research program highlights and plans on July 6 and the Life and
Microgravity Sciences and Applications research program highlights and
plans on July 20. Additionally, Dr. Malcolm Phelps of the Office of Human
Resources and Education will present a brief Experimental Program to
Stimulate Competitive Research (EPSCoR) update on July 6. 2) Dr. Guenter
Riegler, Director of the Research Program Management Division, is
coordinating the presentations for the Space Science Enterprise. Dr. Julie
Swain, Acting Deputy Associate Administrator, is coordinating the
presentations for the Office of Life and Microgravity Sciences and
Applications. At both meetings, the presentations will include research
topics, prioritization criteria, examples of active programs, and plans for
the future. 3) The agenda for each of the meetings has been distributed.
L/Kerwin: Ms. Kerwin reported on the following: 1) Last week, the VA-HUD
Appropriations Committee passed several amendments affecting NASA funding.
The Roemer (D-IN) amendment to terminate the International Space Station
was defeated. 2) The FY 2000-2002 Authorization Bill is still under
B/Peterson: Mr. Peterson reminded that the budget process is now ISO
certified, and each Code’s information is due July 5. If not submitted, a
nonconformance report may be written against the Code.
2. AI/Dr. Mulville
Dr. Mulville reported on the following: 1) On Wednesday, June 28, from 11
to 11:30 a.m., there will be an ISO Awards Celebration in the James Webb
Auditorium. Each AA that was audited will be presented with an ISO
certification plaque for their office. A barbecue reception will follow.
2) The IFMP Steering Council will meet on Friday, June 30, to review
alternatives and approve budget submittal. 3) Next week’s Senior Staff
Telecon will be held on Wednesday, July 5, to allow schedule flexibility.
4) The Headquarters Softball Tournament update is as follows:
- Results from last week-On June 20,
- Code M defeated Code C – 16 to 11
- Codes PZK defeated Codes WJL – 20 to 15
- On June 22,
- Codes YI defeated Codes RSH – 21 to 17
- Code F defeated Codes AGB – 12 to 11
- Games for this week are scheduled for June 27,
- 4:50 p.m. Code C vs. Codes WJL
- 6:00 p.m. Codes RSH vs. Codes ABG
- On June 29,
- 4:50 p.m. Code M vs. Codes PZK
- 6:00 p.m. Codes YI vs. Code F
- 5) Regarding the Headquarters Action Tracking System, the goal of 10
- percent has been met. Let us continue to improve in this effort.
- Code M defeated Code C – 16 to 11
3. Center Reports
ARC/McDonald: Dr. McDonald reported that Arnold Holz is with them this
DFRC/Petersen: Mr. Petersen reported that the Center hosted a Reusable
Launch Vehicle Technology Expo last Thursday, June 22. Over 300 people
attended; the X-34, X-37, and X-43 were on display, and the X-37 mockup
technologies were highlighted in afternoon sessions.
GSFC/Kicza: Ms. Kicza reported that they are ready for the TDRS launch.
(Note: TDRS launched on Friday, June 30.)
JSC/Parsons: Mr. Parsons reported on the following: 1) Activity is
proceeding for the Service Module launch in July. 2) On orbit, the
International Space Station is doing fine. 3) The Center will be
supporting the TDRS-H launch on Thursday. (Note: TDRS launched on Friday,
June 30.)
MSFC/Stephenson: Mr. Stephenson reported on the following: 1) Center
staff were on the Hill last week, June 21 and 22, for Space Transportation
Days. They held briefings and had meetings on both the House and Senate
sides. 2) Mr. Stephenson thanked Codes R and L for all of their efforts,
as well as Jerry Creedon, Don Campbell, Roy Bridges, and Mark Craig. 3)
Mr. Stephenson was especially grateful that Mr. Goldin took the time to
speak at the reception.
SSC/Estess: Mr. Estess reported on the following: 1) Mr. Estess thanked
JSC for having Dominic Gorie and Barbara Morgan come to the Center for
Safety Day activities. 2) The first test of the TRW Pintle engine will be
conducted this week.
- Officials-in-Charge of NASA Headquarters Offices:
- AA/Mr. Heffernan
- AI/Dr. Mulville
- AB/Ms. Tagg
- AC/Gen. Armstrong
- AE/Mr. Keegan
- AJ/Mr. Tam
- AM/Dr. Nicogossian
- AO/Mr. Holcomb
- AS/Dr. Olsen
- B/Mr. Holz
- C/Mr. Christensen
- E/Mr. Reese
- F/Ms. Novak
- G/Mr. Frankle
- H/Mr. Luedtke
- I/Mr. Schumacher
- J/Mr. Sutton
- K/Mr. Thomas
- L/Mr. Heffernan
- M/Mr. Rothenberg
- P/Ms. Wilhide
- Q/Mr. Gregory
- R/Mr. Venneri
- S/Dr. Weiler
- U/Dr. Nicogossian
- W/Ms. Gross
- Y/Dr. Asrar
- Z/Ms. Garver
- Directors, NASA Centers:
- ARC/Dr. McDonald
- DFRC/Mr. Petersen
- GRC/Mr. Campbell
- GSFC/Mr. Diaz
- JSC/Mr. Abbey
- KSC/Mr. Bridges
- LaRC/Dr. Creedon
- MSFC/Mr. Stephenson
- SSC/Mr. Estess
- Director, Jet Propulsion Laboratory:
- Dr. Stone
- cc:
- A/Ms. M. Roberts
- A/Ms. S. Roberts
- AA/Ms. Saldana
- AC/Ms. Landrus
- AE/Ms. Moore
- AI/Ms. Blinebury
- AI/Ms. Shaeffer
- AI/Ms. Soper
- AJ/Ms. Bloxon
- AO/Ms. Wissinger
- AS/Ms. Simms
- CIC/Analysts
- AA/Mr. Heffernan