Status Report

Microgravity Science Division Staff Meeting Minutes August 2, 2000

By SpaceRef Editor
August 2, 2000
Filed under

The telecon with JSC, KSC, and MRPO on the PIRR on August 1 went well.

There will be a telecon today on budgets.  Jack sent out an e-mail on it.  At JSC’s direction, we have obligated as much money as we could.  We ended up obligating almost all of our 398 dollars.  We have $375K of unobligated dollars to get us through the year.  The purpose of the telecon is to discuss how much NOA we need to carry us through October.  We need an additional $6.5 million.  On 398 money, we are $2.2 million behind the plan.  We will need to de-obligate and redistribute authority to cover the contractor staff.

The hiring process needs to move out as quickly as possible.  OHR got the certificates for the secretaries yesterday.  OHR still needs to notify the people on the certificates.

Everyone needs to get in their awards forms in and processed. 

Kathy Schubert is the 6000 representative on the Engineering and Science Training Plan for FY01.  We have the only rep. in 6000 for that process.  Bhim, Dave Urban, and Devon Griffin have been involved in the past on the subteams.  We need more volunteers.  If you advocate a training course, you will have to establish the course and make arrangements with Training.  Kathy will send something out about the training plan.  $2.3 million is being spent on these training courses.

There was a presentation made on the dual ladder system yesterday.

We received the ATP for CSLM-2.

There will be a 6700 Management Retreat in late September.

The lab will offer a master’s degree in biomedical engineering.  The plan is to have the students attend a Cleveland area college for one year for course work, then spend one year at the Cleveland Clinic. There will be an announcement coming out on that soon.

They are still working on skill needs.

The Integrated Financial Management program has been torn down and will be reconstructed.  There will be no products until 2003.

Roundtable Discussion

Fred Kohl – A group of people from MSD went to Oshkosh and accomplished their objectives.  Don Campbell would like a model of ISS for his office.

Tom St. Onge – Dave Lamar started on Monday, July 31.  He will work on ground segment integration.  He has transferred from JSC.  He will be located in Bob Zurawski’s old office.  Bob Zurawski has moved into Ed Winsa’s old office.

There will be a low noise emission management overview on August 21. It will be in Room 1314.

There will be an MSD Change Board on August 11 to discuss simulator requirements.

Jack would like to encourage the program managers to attend the project managers working groups.

Janice Gassaway – The operating plans are due out this week.

Steve Simons – Our travel budget seems to be in good shape.  He would like to encourage everyone to get travel in for the rest of the fiscal year.

Bhim Singh – Last week they had a workshop on thermal systems.  They had good participation from industry and the other NASA Centers. 

Next week is the Fluid Physics Workshop.  They need people to register. Jerry Barna will give the opening remarks.

Nancy Shaw – She participated in the DDS Follow-Up Team with EDADS to discuss the process.  Angel and Howard were also there.  They went through the entire process from NRA to on-orbit operations.  They will start discussing roles and responsibilities.

Dave Francisco – Bill Wagar is home.

The CM-2 Phase One Preship Review is going on.

The ERE Failure Review Team is going on.

Monday they will start painting and carpeting in Bldg. 77.  It is a 3-5 week process.  The plan is to move in mid-October.

The work on the labs for PI hardware development in 333 is continuing. They are adding 400-500 square feet.  It should be similar to Bldg. 110.

Dave will check into moving the big copier with us.

The PR’s for the network upgrades for Bldg. 77 went through.

Bob Zurawski – The plans for the FCF PDR are moving out.  They are aiming for November.  He has put together a review plan.  He will put it out for comments.  It is our responsibility to make sure it contains what we need. 

The FCF Phase 0/1 Safety Review will be in October. 

They had the FCF Control Board meeting last week.  They approved the project procedure for EDADS labs for FCF.

Kathy Schubert – If we are planning to give awards to EDADS people, please let their branch chiefs know so they can reserve money.

There is a meeting next Tuesday with Dave Petrarca on how MED is receiving and processing work requests.  The Project managers should attend the meeting.

The Facility Management Meeting will be rescheduled.

Jack Salzman – Rev. F is now baselined through Increment Three.  We will get a letter on it.

They still don’t know what the Code U reorganization will be.  Stay tuned to NASAWatch. 

Stephanie J. Black

Microgravity Science Division

(216) 977-7097

(216) 433-8660 (fax)

Mail Stop 500-205

SpaceRef staff editor.