Status Report

Message from the NASA Administrator – June 1, 2020

By SpaceRef Editor
June 1, 2020
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NASA’s SpaceX Demo-2 launch this past weekend was a tremendous accomplishment. Seeing Doug and Bob safe and sound aboard the International Space Station, after traveling there on history’s first human commercial spaceflight, fills me with so much pride in what the NASA team can do when given the opportunity. Truly a new era of space exploration has begun! 
But this also is an example of what we can do when we come together as a nation. This is not the first time America has seen times of unrest and division, and looked to NASA for inspiration and confidence that we are capable of something magnificent. Let me be clear, NASA is a place where unity, respect, and decency are prioritized, and we will continue to promote an agency culture that aligns with these core beliefs. 
For a brief moment Saturday, the United States of America looked up as we once again launched humans into orbit from our home soil, recalling our nation’s remarkable ability to accomplish astonishing, impressive achievements, and we demonstrated that we could bring people together peacefully for a common goal. 
I want to extend my personal appreciation to everyone for their help in making this part of the flight a success, and while we still need to bring Doug and Bob home safely, each of you should feel proud. I’m excited for you and what lies ahead for NASA.  
Space exploration unifies our nation because we believe we can achieve the impossible. And it further inspires the soul of America because everyone is reminded that the challenges of the present and the future can only be overcome when people are united. NASA has a history of providing this hope when it needs it most, and I am confident that our best days are ahead of us.
I encourage each of you to take a moment to reflect on how your work at NASA is about more than just advancing science and technology. We discover the unimaginable and reach heights previously unattainable, but only if we’re all in it together.
Ad Astra,
Jim Bridenstine

SpaceRef staff editor.