Status Report

Message from the Chief, Office of Strategic Communications Updated Memo on NASA Messages – August 9, 2007

By SpaceRef Editor
August 9, 2007
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Date: Thursday, August 9, 2007
To: (Recipient list suppressed)
From: Centerwide Announcement
Subject: Updated Memo on NASA Messages – August 9, 2007

Message from the Chief, Office of Strategic Communications Updated Memo on NASA Messages – August 9, 2007

I am pleased to provide you with the final NASA Message Construct. These messages have been market tested and have proven to resonate best with the general public.

The Message Construct serves to guide your communication efforts with the general public. We are asking that you use the Core Message: “NASA explores for answers that power our future,” in the text of your communications material, when appropriate and that it be used verbatim. We also have developed a graphic element to illustrate and enhance the Core Message. The graphic element is: Inspiration + Innovation + Discovery = Future. It is recommended, not required, that the graphic element be used on agency communications materials. The other messages in the Message Construct are also market tested and should be used where best applicable.

The new Message Construct can be found at In addition, the Strategic Communications Framework Implementation Plan, NASA Style Guide, and the Strategic Communications Implementation Handbook are also available at this site to help with your planning, implementation, and usage.

I am available to brief you and/or your organizations on the new messaging and the Strategic Communications Framework Implementation Plan and can be reached at (202) 358-7305.

Robert Hopkins Chief, Office of Strategic Communications

SpaceRef staff editor.