Status Report

Message from the CASIS Board of Directors in Response to the Findings and Recommendations of the Independent Review of the International Space Station

By SpaceRef Editor
April 7, 2020
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The Center for the Advancement of Science in Space (CASIS), manager of the International Space Station (ISS) U.S. National Laboratory, appreciates the efforts of NASA’s Independent Review Team (IRT) in assessing the mission and resources of the national laboratory on the ISS. Now that the IRT study is complete, we look forward to working with NASA and our partners to increase use of the ISS for research breakthroughs that improve lives on Earth and to establish the foundations of a robust market economy in low Earth orbit.

“With the goal of full utilization of ISS resources achieved, CASIS also recognizes that realizing the return on investment that the American people have made in the ISS requires important changes in the model of the ISS National Lab, and in its relationship with NASA,” said Co-chair of the CASIS Board of Directors Dr. Andrei Ruckenstein. “We embrace the recommendations of the IRT report, many of which are fully aligned with our strategic plan and changes we have already begun implementing with our NASA colleagues. We are committed to working with NASA, other non-governmental organizations, implementation partners, and the broader user community toward maximizing access to the ISS for diverse users, accelerating sustainable commercial development of space and inspiring a next-generation of innovators and leaders.”

The CASIS board, management, and staff are excited about the future of the ISS National Lab and are honored to work with each of our partners to expand U.S. leadership in commercial space, foster scientific discovery and technological innovation, and inspire the next generation of leaders and explorers.

For inquiries please contact the CASIS Sr. Manager of Marketing and Communications, Mr. Patrick O’Neill, at

Thank you,

CASIS Board of Directors

SpaceRef staff editor.