Message from the Administrator: NASA Recipients of the 2008 Presidential Rank Awards
Each year, the president confers the ranks of Distinguished Executive/Senior Professional and Meritorious Executive/Senior Professional on a select group of our very best career executives and senior professionals who consistently demonstrate strength, integrity, industry, and a relentless commitment to public service. Only 1 percent of the career Senior Executive Service (SES) and Senior Professionals may earn this award.
I am very pleased to announce the NASA recipients of the 2008 Presidential Rank Awards. This prestigious award recognizes a group of senior executives and senior professionals who are among the best and brightest of NASA, for their exceptional accomplishments on behalf of the agency and the nation. They have added their mark on NASA’s history of excellence. Please join me in applauding this year’s recipients for their hard work and this prestigious honor.
Distinguished Executive:
- Terry L. Bowie
- Arthur F. Obenschain
- John P. Shannon
- Michael T. Suffredini
- Woodrow Whitlow, Jr.
- Steven F. Zornetzer
Distinguished Senior Professional:
- John C. Mather
- Bruce A. Wielicki
Meritorious Executive:
- Kenny E. Aguilar
- Dennis J. Andrucyk
- Valorie A. Burr
- John H. Casper
- John S. Chapman
- Nicholas G. Chrissotimos
- Raymond G. Clinton
- Robert W. Gardner
- Michael W. George
- W. Michael Hawes
- J. Milt Heflin, Jr.
- C. Preston Jones
- Cynthia C. Lee
- Roy A. Maizel
- Jonathan Q. Pettus
- Gregory L. Robinson
- Russell R. Romanella
- Mark P. Saunders
- Charles H. Scales
- Keith Thomas Sefton
- Gary T. Seng
- Jaiwon Shin
- Charles A. Smith
- Joel B. Walker
Meritorious Senior Professional:
- Charles William Bauschlicher, Jr.
- Louis A. Povinelli