Message from NASA HQ – Public Inquiries Management Office
Date: 20 Oct 2004
To: (Recipient list suppressed)
From: Centerwide Announcement
Subject: MESSAGE FROM NASA HQ – Public Inquiries Management
Point of Contact: Glenn Mahone, Public Affairs, 202/358-1898
Public Inquiries Management Office
As NASA plots new courses to the moon, Mars, and beyond, we
must equally plot communications strategies to keep our
public and international communities informed of NASA’s
missions and accomplishments. One strategy is the
realignment of the Public Inquiries Management Office
(PIMO) within the Office of Public Affairs. This
realignment centralizes the agency’s management of public
inquiries, albeit the medium–paper mail, e-mail, and
voice-mail communications. As NASA moves forward, it is
paramount that we explain our missions, programs, and
activities in such a way that engenders a positive image
for the agency.
Under the purview of the Office of Public Affairs, PIMO
will serve as the focal point for providing guidance to the
public mail communications counterparts at the NASA Centers
and component facilities, strengthening our interface and
interaction with the public and international communities.
Through this alliance, PIMO will establish agencywide
policy, coordinate agencywide public inquiries activities,
and develop, implement, and monitor strategies that work
toward crafting and achieving a one-voice message for NASA.
Public mail communication components include crafting
standard language for similar inquiries and coordinating
responses for high-profile missions and activities.
In the coming weeks, the staff will meet with NASA
officials to discuss key services that are pivotal in
helping to build the infrastructure to support these
initiatives. More importantly, these sessions will serve
as a forum to solicit customer expectations for use in
mapping a responsive public inquiries program.
NASA Headquarters civil service and contractor employees
should forward public mail or telephone calls from the
public to the Public Inquiries Business Center.
Telephone Calls: 202-358-0001
Faxes: 202-358-3469
Paper Mail: Suite 1M32
For more information regarding Public Inquiries Business
Center services, contact Lorea Tilghman, 202-358-0479;
Wanda Green, 202-358-3966; or Kimberly Jenkins-Snodgrass,
202-358-1613. Kindly direct technical and program
questions to Teresa Grimes, 202-358-1280, Manager, Public
Inquiries Management Office.