Status Report

Message from NASA ESMD AA Scott Horowitz Outling Programmatic Changes

By SpaceRef Editor
May 26, 2006
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Date: Fri, 26 May 2006 From: Horowitz, Scott J. (HQ-BA000)
Cc: King, David; Worden, Simon P. (ARC-D) ; Weiler, Edward J. (GSFC-100.0); Hanley, Jeffrey M. (JSC-ZA); Lavoie, Tony; Hine, Butler P. (ARC-D)
Sent: Friday, May 26, 2006 1:57 PM

May 26, 2006

I am sending this message to all ESMD employees and NASA center personnel managing the affected programs.

In order to more effectively implement and align work for the Vision for Space Exploration, I have made the following program management and Center work assignment decisions.

The Robotic Lunar Exploration Program has been renamed the Lunar Precursor and Robotic Program (LPRP). The LPRP office will be located at the Marshall Space Flight Center (MSFC) and report to ESMD. A new Lunar Lander Project Office will be located at the Marshall Space Flight Center and report to the Constellation Program Office. This office will be responsible for performing early trade studies and developing requirements for the Lunar Surface Access Module (LSAM).

Effective immediately, Tony Lavoie will serve on detail at NASA HQ to spearhead, within ESMD, the development of NASA’s Human and Robotic Lunar Architecture being developed under the overall global architecture led by Doug Cooke. Tony will also be the Acting Program Manager for LPRP. The LPRP will manage projects and direct studies on lunar robotic precursor activities among a number of NASA centers and other organizations. These changes will allow a greater synergy between the development of the overall architecture for the Moon, precursor activities needed for the Constellation Systems, and their direct interrelationship with eventual lunar surface activities.

A lunar projects office reporting to LPRP with responsibility for developing small spacecraft to support exploration will be located at the Ames Research Center (ARC), which led the former RLEP program. ARC will also continue to lead the development of the Lunar Crater Observation and Sensing Satellite (LCROSS) scheduled to fly in 2008. Additionally, ARC will take on new responsibilities as lead for information technology and thermal protection systems for the exploration effort.

Goddard Spaceflight Center (GSFC) will continue the development of the Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter scheduled to fly in 2008. Additionally, GSFC will lead the development of communications systems for exploration as dictated by a communications architecture study underway.

These are exciting times and I deeply appreciate the work you all are doing to make the vision for space exploration a reality!


SpaceRef staff editor.