Status Report

Media Advisory: B612 Telecon Briefing

By SpaceRef Editor
October 8, 2012
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WHO: B612 Foundation/Sentinel Mission

Date: Thursday, October 11, 2012
Time: 10:00 – 11:00 pm (Pacific Time) /1:00 pm (ET)

CALL IN: +1.605.562.3000; Code: 284526#

RSVP to: Diane Murphy,

WHAT: Update on Status of B612 Sentinel Mission

* First 3-month Mission Review Status (since June 28 Announcement)
* Formation of Sentinel Special Review Team (SSRT)
* Results of SSRT First Milestone Review (September 13-14) 2012, Boulder, CO
* Recap of Mission Planning, Funding, Technical Requirements

PRESS RELEASE ON SSRT TECHNICAL REVIEW: To be issued Oct. 11 prior to call

SPEAKERS: Ed Lu, B612 Foundation Chairman & CEO; Harold Reitsema, B612 Sentinel Mission Director; Diane Murphy, Moderator

MEDIA CONTACT: Diane Murphy, CapComm:; M. +1.202.361.9681

Visit: for more information, and bios of SSRT Members

The B612 Foundation ( aims to build, launch, and operate the world’s first privately funded deep space telescope mission to create the first comprehensive dynamic map of our inner solar system, identifying the current and future locations and trajectories of Earth crossing asteroids. Mapping the great unknown of the inner solar system is the first step to opening up this next frontier. The B612 Foundation believes that humanity can harness the power of science and technology to protect the future of civilization on this planet, while extending our reach into the solar system.

Media Contact: Diane Murphy ( T. +1.202.361.9681

SpaceRef staff editor.