Mars Student Imaging Project
The Mars Student Imaging Project is seeking educators and classroom teams to participate in an authentic research opportunity for the remainder of the 2011-2012 school year and the summer of 2012. Students will have the ability to formulate and ask a research question about Mars, interact with Mars scientists, target an image of Mars using a special camera on the Mars Odyssey Spacecraft and use their Mars data to answer their research question. This is an opportunity for students to build on their science, technology, engineering and mathematics, or STEM, experiences, and possibly make a new discovery on Mars!
The Mars Student Imaging Project strongly aligns to National Science Education Standards and the new National Research Council’s Science Framework and working with data helps to build students’ essential 21st century workforce development skills. Participation is free and open to teams from grades 5-12 across the U.S.
Interested educators are asked to submit an Online Interest Form by April 27, 2012.
To get started and learn more about the project, visit
Questions about this opportunity should be directed to Jessica Swann at or Anthony Zippay at