Status Report

Mars Global Surveyor Status Report 29 Aug 2001

By SpaceRef Editor
August 29, 2001
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Mars Global Surveyor Status Report

Wednesday, August 29, 2001 (DOY 234/19:00:00 to DOY 241/19:00:00 UTC)

Launch/Days since Launch = Nov. 7, 1996/1757 days

Start of Mapping/Days since Start of Mapping = April 1, 1999/881 days

Total Mapping Orbits = 11,070

Total Orbits = 12,753

Recent Events:

Background Sequences – The spacecraft is operating nominally in
performing daily recording and transmission of science data. The
mm152 sequence has performed well since it started on 01-228
(8/16/01). It terminates on 01-255 (9/12/01).

A Delta-DOR experiment was performed on 01-236 (8/24/01).

Other – Five Roll Only Targeted Observations (ROTOs) were
successfully performed since the last report. MGS has completed 183
ROTOs to date.

Spacecraft Health:

All subsystems report good health and status except for the MOLA
payload instrument that malfunctioned on 01-181 (6/30/01). The MOLA
instrument team is still investigating the anomaly.


There have been 13 uplinks to the spacecraft during the past week,
including instrument command loads, and the MZ128 and MZ129 ROTO
mini-sequences. Also a new ROTO script was uplinked. It will allow
MGS to perform ROTOs during scheduled communications orbits.
Previously MGS has been restricted to performing ROTOs only during
scheduled non-communications orbits. 5,590 command files have been
radiated to the spacecraft since launch.

Upcoming Events:

Delta-DOR experiments are scheduled for 01-247 (9/4/01), 01-253
(9/10/01), 01-267 (9/24/01), 01-269 (9/26/01).

A Solar Array (SA) and High Gain Antenna (HGA) flexible modes
baseline diagnostic test will be performed on 01-154 (9/11/01).
Performing this test periodically should give us insight into any
additional SA hinge or HGA gimbal degradation if it occurs.

MOLA Diagnostic Test #4 will take place on 01-156 (9/13/01).

SpaceRef staff editor.