Status Report

Mars Global Surveyor Status Report 14 June 2000

By SpaceRef Editor
June 14, 2000
Filed under

Wednesday, June 14, 2000 (DOY 159/19:00:00 to DOY 166/19:00:00 UTC)

Launch / Days since Launch = Nov 7, 1996 / 1316 days

Start of Mapping / Days since Start of Mapping = April 1, 1999 / 440 days

Total Mapping Orbits = 5674

Total Orbits = 7277

Recent Events:

Background Sequences — The spacecraft continues to operate nominally in performing the beta-supplement daily recording and transmission of
science data. The mm046 background sequence executed successfully from 00-160 (6/08/00) through 00-163 (6/11/00). The mm047 background
sequence has been performing nominally since 00-164 (6/12/00) and will terminate at the end of day 00-166 (6/14/00). The mm048 sequence was
successfully uplinked on 00-165 (6/13/00) and will begin executing on 00-167 (6/15/00).

Spacecraft Health:

All subsystems report nominal health.


There have been 17 uplinks to the spacecraft during the last week, including new star catalogs and ephemeris files, instrument command loads, and the
background sequences cited above. Total command files radiated to the spacecraft since launch is 4702.

Upcoming Events:

We are in the final stages of Solar Conjunction command sequence generation and testing. The mm050 and mm051 sequences will contain the lion’s
share of spacecraft commands for the Solar Conjunction period, 6/21/00 through 7/12/00. To prepare for Solar Conjunction, the MOC will be turned
off using commands resident in the mm049 seqgence. We expect to return to normal spacecraft configuration and beta-supplement command
sequences starting with mm052 on 00-195 (7/13/00).

SpaceRef staff editor.