Mars Exploration Science Monthly Newsletter May 2013
On behalf of Lisa Pratt (MEPAG Chair), Dave Beaty, Rich Zurek, and Charles Budney of the Mars Program Science Office, the May 2013 edition of the Mars Exploration Science Monthly Newsletter can be found on the web at:
On a separate topic, I’d like to take this opportunity to announce my retirement from the Jet Propulsion Laboratory on Thursday, May 2, 2013. It has been a pleasure to support the Mars science community and publish the newsletter for the past several years.
I’m happy to welcome Carla de la Paz, who will be taking over my responsibilities. Please send your Mars community announcements and calendar items for inclusion in the newsletter to Carla at
With my very best regards,
Joyce N. Pulliam Staff Assistant MED Chief Scientists/Chief Technologist Office Jet Propulsion Laboratory