Status Report

Mars Exploration Rover Data Release 34

By SpaceRef Editor
December 2, 2012
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Mars Exploration Rover Data Release 34

The Planetary Data System (PDS) is pleased to announce Release 34 of Mars Exploration Rover data. This release includes primarily data from Sols 2881 through 2970 and includes data only from Opportunity, MER1/B. It includes data from the following instruments: APXS (EDRs), HAZCAM, NAVCAM, MI, MOESSBAUER (EDRs), PANCAM, Rover Motion Counter and SPICE. There are no Atmospheric Opacity, Mini-TES, Radio Science or RAT data and no APXS or Moessbauer RDRs in this release.

To access the above data, please visit the following link:

The following special services are provided for accessing MER data:

MER Analyst’s Notebook:

Planetary Image Atlas:

SpaceRef staff editor.