Status Report

Mars Digital Dune Database

By SpaceRef Editor
July 9, 2007
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Mars Digital Dune Database

Detailed Information

The Mars Global Digital Dune Database presents data and describes the methodology used in creating the database. The database provides a comprehensive and quantitative view of the geographic distribution of moderate- to large-size dune fields from 65° north to 65° south latitude and encompasses approximately 550 dune fields.

The database is presented in a variety of formats. It is presented as a series of ArcReader projects which can be opened using the free ArcReader software. The latest version of ArcReader can be downloaded at the ESRI web site. The database is also presented in ArcMap projects. The ArcMap projects allow fuller use of the data, but require ESRI ArcMap software. Multiple projects were required to accommodate the large number of images needed.

A fuller description of the projects can be found in the Dunes_ReadMe file and the ReadMe_GIS file in the Documentation folder. For users who prefer to create their own projects, the data is available in ESRI shapefile and geodatabase formats, as well as the open Geographic Markup Language (GML) format.

A printable map of the dunes and craters in the database is available as a Portable Document Format (PDF) document. The map is also included as a JPEG file. ReadMe files are available in PDF and ASCII (.txt) files. Tables are available in both Excel (.xls) and ASCII formats.

USGS: Mars Digital Dune Database – Download the database and view additional information

USGS Astro: Mars Dunes – learn more about the project and participants

SpaceRef staff editor.