Status Report

Letter regarding Center Buyouts from NASA Adminstrator to Officials-in-Charge of Headquarters Offices and Directors, NASA Centers

By SpaceRef Editor
November 28, 2005
Filed under ,

National Aeronautics and
Space Administration

Office of the Administrator
Washington, DC 20546-0001

NOV 14 2005

TO: Officials-in-Charge of Headquarters Offices
Directors, NASA Centers

FROM: Administrator

SUBJECT: Center Buyouts

As part of our continuing efforts to realign NASA’s workforce to support the Vision for Space Exploration, the Agency will be offering targeted buyouts at several Centers. These will be the only Center buyouts NASA will offer during the current fiscal year.

During the past year, NASA has engaged in a number of activities designed to realign our workforce and reduce the Agency’s uncovered capacity. In addition to job fairs, buyouts, and career transition assistance, we recently assigned exploration programs and projects to NASA Centers, and we are asking Centers, Mission Directorates, and program offices to identify work packages that can be allocated to Centers to reduce uncovered Federal employees.

During the coming months, we will continue these efforts, including this final buyout opportunity, to reduce the need for a reduction in force (RIF) at our Centers. In June 2006, I will assess our progress and decide at that time whether or not the agency will conduct a RIF in early fiscal year 2007.

As I have said on a number of occasions, a RIF is a tool of last resort. I believe that by working together we can meet thee workforce challenges and ensure that each NASA Center plays a vital role in the Agency’s exploration, science, and aeronautics missions.

Michael D. Griffin

SpaceRef staff editor.