KSC Daily News – 4/19/06 – NASA & Contractor: Roadkill Roundup
From: KSC-Daily-News
Sent: Wednesday, April 19, 2006 7:41 AM
To: KSC-DL-ExchangeWorld-(NASA); KSC-DL-ExchangeWorld-(Contractor)
Subject: KSC Daily News – 4/19/06 – NASA & Contractor
During the lunch of STS-114, the vehicle struck a vulture shortly after liftoff. Fortunately, there was no severe damage to the External Tank. However, that risk is unacceptable for launch. In an effort to reduce the risk associated with vultures, both for commuters and Space Shuttle launches, SGS Roads and Grounds has organized a “road kill posse” with support from the NASA Shuttle and Environmental Programs. This action is aimed at reducing the vulture population at KSC by reducing their food source In this effort, we need everyone’s help, therefore if you see a dead animal on or beside the road, please contact the Duty Office at 853-5211 and report the exact location of the animal. The SGS crew will be sent to quickly remove the carrion before the vultures are attracted to the free meal. Timely removal of road kill will help reduce the safety risk to commuter traffic, other animals attracted to the road kill, such as Bald Eagles, and ultimately to the Shuttle and its crew
Shuttle safety and environmental protection are everyone’s responsibilities. So call 853-5211.
Any questions contact the NASA Environmental Program Branch at 867-8448.