Status Report

June 29 Update on NASA’s Response to Coronavirus

By SpaceRef Editor
June 29, 2020
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June 29 Update on NASA’s Response to Coronavirus
As the agency navigates its response to COVID-19, NASA leadership continues to prioritize your health and safety. Safeguarding our workforce and the NASA mission requires us all to assume responsibility for our welfare at and outside of work.
The recent spike in COVID-19 cases in states where many of us work and live necessitates heightened vigilance and personal responsibility by all NASA employees and contractors. This means following guidelines for face coveringssocial distancing, and hygiene practices
By following simple protocols established at each NASA facility, we not only protect ourselves and our coworkers, we also show our concern for the welfare of, and respect for, our coworkers and protect the NASA mission. Your individual efforts to guard your health, both at work and at home, directly impact the agency’s ability to continue our mission. 
To check on the operating status and guidelines in place at your location, click on your center or facility in the Facility Status list on NASA People.
Let’s all do our part to keep ourselves and others safe and healthy and the NASA mission moving forward, exploring, discovering, and inspiring.
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Jim Bridenstine

SpaceRef staff editor.