Joint Dark Energy Mission Science Coordination Group – Call for Letters
NASA and DOE announce a Call for Letters for individuals to apply for membership in the JDEM Science Coordination Group (SCG). The SCG will aid in establishing preliminary science requirements for a JDEM facility and will work in coordination with the JDEM Project Office to develop a pre-conceptual design for JDEM that meets the mission’s programmatic constraints. The function and responsibilities of this Group are described in more detail in the Call for Letters and Charter which are posted on the JDEM website.
The purpose of the JDEM website is to provide “one-stop shopping” for all public information and documents regarding the mission that are generated by or for the two Agencies. This will be the primary conduit by which the Agencies will communicate on JDEM issues with the science community. The website URL is In addition to the Call for Letters to solicit expressions of interest to serve on the JDEM SCG, along with the SCG’s Charter, the website includes the exchange of letters between the two Agencies stating the overarching principles of cooperation on JDEM.
Additional queries may be addressed to Richard Griffiths, JDEM Program Scientist, Astrophysics Division, NASA Headquarters, Washington, DC 20546-0001; E-mail: