ISS/Payloads Processing Status 7 Feb 2001
ISS-5A / STS-98 (Pad A)
- Launch countdown in progress.
- Launch is planned for Wednesday (2/7) at approx. 6:11 pm ET.
- 6A stowage operations are continuing.
- 7A / 7A.1 PTCS preparations continue.
ISS-5A.1 (SSPF Launch Package Integration Stand (LPIS)) / STS-102
- Preps for PFCS ammonia loading continue. (PFCS: Pump Flow Control Subassembly)
- Investigation and workoff of the CBM PRs continues. Powerbolt nut socket removal from MPLM FM-3 should begin on the evening of 2/6, for installation onto FM-1. Current planning is to complete the workoff and install the CBM seal by Thursday, 2/8, followed by the CBM leak check over the weekend.
(CBM: Common Berthing Mechanism)
- Stowage operations continue in preparation for final stow, presently planned to complete early next week.
ISS-6A (SSPF Footprints #3, 4) / STS-100
- The GSE Keel Trunnion was removed to allow installation of the Flight Keel Trunnion, presently planned for 2/9. Prior to that, on 2/8, the Keel Camera Target will be installed.
- Stowage operations continue in support of a bench review planned for 2/14.
- An air sample for offgas testing will be pulled today.
MPLM Flight Module 3 (FM 3) (SSPF Footprint #1)
- MPLM-3 exterior inspection continued Tuesday. The module was rotated to facilitate inspection.
ISS-7A (SSPF Footprint #4 / O&C) / STS-104
Airlock / SSPF
- Prebreathe reg kit passed proof, leak and functional testing at WSTF. Will be shipped back to KSC on 2/7.
- External outfitting continues.
- Spherical bearing removal preps are in work.
- Heater mat wire harness splicing continues.
ISS-8A S0 (O&C Test Stand-2) / STS-110
- EPS Power Quality testing and IPR troubleshooting were in work Tuesday.
(EPS: Electrical Power System)
- MT/TUS Video testing encountered a problem during the power up sequence, and troubleshooting was in work second shift Tuesday. (MT: Mobile Transporter) (TUS: Trailing Umbilical System)
ISS-9A S1 (O&C Horizontal CUB) / STS-113
- S1 move from the Horizontal CUB to the North Rails is planned for Thursday (2/8).
- Huntington Beach personnel are expected at KSC no earlier than Monday to address a method for accomplishing the strain gauge response test.
ISS-11A P1 (O&C Test Stand-3) / STS-115
- Software load is complete for all three MDMs, clearing the way for EPS Hardware / Software Integration (HSI) testing to begin today. (An IPR was picked up when the P1-1 and P1-2 MDMs failed to re-initialize at the completion of software load. They power cycled the MDMs and moved on. The IPR will allow the technical community to address why the automatic re-initialization did not occur.)
- UMA Support Structure drilling and installation continue. (UMA: Umbilical Mechanism Assembly)
ISS-12A P3 (O&C Vertical CUB) / P4 (SSPF) / Solar Arrays (SSPF Footprint 1) / STS-118
- P3 (O&C): The software updates and documentation arrived at KSC about 4:15 pm Tuesday. Once the software updates are loaded, SARJ Functional will resume. (SARJ: Solar Alpha Rotary Joint)
- P3 (O&C): RTD/Heater Channelization testing is planned to work in parallel with SARJ Functional power-up. (RTD: Resistive Thermal Device) (SARJ: Solar Alpha Rotary Joint)
- P4 (SSPF): The W30 cable has bent / recessed pins. Lower deck cable boxes 3 and 4 have damaged dielectric. The cable and the cable boxes will be routed to their respective vendors for repair. Replacement hardware will come from the S4 Truss (ISS-13A) (which is also in the SSPF High Bay).