ISS On-Orbit Status 23 Jul 2002
All ISS systems continue to function nominally, except as noted previou
CDR Valery Korzun and FE-2 Sergei Treschev completed an IMS (inventory mana
gement system) audit of Russian personal hygiene system (SLG) items, i.e., t
oilet inserts, etc.
FE-1 Peggy Whitson set up and activated the PuFF (pulmonary function in fli
ght) hardware. Later in the day, she used it on herself and CDR Korzun
in a continuing investigation of the effects of EVA and long-term micro-G e
xposure on the pulmonary (lung) function. This lays the groundwork for
future experiments which are key to understanding and maintaining crew heal
th. [Each PuFF session, occurring monthly, involves five lung funct
ion tests. It utilizes the GASMAP (gas analyzer system for metabolic analysi
s physiology) in the Human Research Facility, along with a variety of other
PuFF equipment such as a manual breathing valve, flowmeter, pressure-flow mo
dule, pressure and volume calibration syringes and disposable mouthpieces.]<
Whitson installed ARIS snubber isolator guides in EXPRESS rack #2, i.e.
, foam inserts that install in a very similar fashion as the ARIS alignment
guides. [Being foam, they are much easier to install than the align
ment guides, but are also susceptible to tearing as a result. Placing
the inserts on the snubber pins and carefully guiding them into the snubber
cups while engaging the pins should prevent any damage.]
Subsequently, she monitored activation of the MSG (microgravity science
glovebox) and conducted a series of operations with the SUBSA (solidificati
on using a baffle in sealed ampoules) experiment. Besides placing the specim
en (#10) and running it through several steps, crew participation was requir
ed to videotape the event and to monitor the specimen. [This run to
ok the maximum heater temperature in the PCM to 845C. The maximum samp
le temperature reached approximately 810C. When the maximum sample tem
perature goes >700C, the crew display software identifies an advisory con
dition that displays as “off-nominal” in the status column. This advis
es the crew and ground personnel the furnace is approaching maximum operatin
g conditions. If the sample temperature reaches 850C, the experiment w
ould shut down automatically.]
CDR Korzun today completed another session with the Russian MO-3 fitnes
s test during his TVIS treadmill workout, assisted by FE-2 Treschev. A
fter the test, the test results were transferred from the "Cardiocasset
te-2000" storage to the U.S. OCA for downlink to MCC-M. [MO-3
calls for a gradually accelerating walk-jog-run up to 8 km/h speed within fi
ve minutes, followed by a gradual slow-down. After the run, the heart
rate at rest is also recorded for three more minutes.]
Sergei Treschev performed sampling of the acoustic noise level in SM du
ring operation of the replaceable pump panel in the SM internal thermal loop
(panel on/panel off).
Valery Korzun meanwhile was scheduled for another periodic attitude data co
rrection of the BINS strap-down guidance system using star sightings with th
e PUMA optical alignment device installed yesterday at an SM window.
Peggy Whitson supported photo documentation of the growth taking place in t
he ADVASC (advanced astroculture) experiment chamber, via Ku-band..
Korzun completed removal and replacement of the BKV compressor of the SRKV-
2M water conditioning unit.
Whitson connected a jumper of the Lab ITCS LTL (internal thermal control sy
stem/low temperature loop) cooling system.
While Valery performed the daily routine tasks of BRPK-2 water condensate s
eparator inspection and SOSh life support system maintenance, Sergei prepare
d the daily IMS "delta" file for updating the inventory management
system, and Peggy conducted the daily status check of selected autonomous L
ab payloads.
All crewmembers completed their daily physical exercise program.