ISS On-Orbit Status 15 Oct 2002
All ISS systems continue to function nominally, except as noted previously
or below. A day of relative rest and joint operations, focusing on routine
maintenance tasks.
The crew was congratulated on yesterday’s successful radiator deployment,
TVIS activation and checkout, and EVA-3.
As reported last night, Dave Wolf and Piers Sellers successfully completed
the final 9A EVA with a time of 6 hrs 36 min. Wolf successfully retracted
the jammed TUS (trailing umbilical system) cable cutter assembly bolt,
thereby eliminating the need to perform the TUS IUA (interface umbilical
assembly) R&R. The crew completed all scheduled tasks, and in addition
installed SPDs on all remaining S1 EATCS QDs (external active thermal
control system quick disconnects) . Wolf used a new prebreathe mask and
T-hose with a dual hose configuration from Shuttle O2 and had no issues
with O2 starvation during EVA prebreathe.
FE-1/SO Peggy Whitson performed the periodic cardiac defibrillator checkout.
CDR Valery Korzun activated the EVARM (EVA radiation monitoring) reader
and conducted the post-EVA EVARM badge readings.
FE-2 Sergey Treschev performed the periodic maintenance test of closing
the Vozdukh CO2 scrubber’s emergency vacuum valves (AVK).
Korzun swapped two PCS (portable computer system) shells in the Shuttle
with those on the ISS (Cupola RWS [robotic workstation] and Airlock [AL])
to update batteries, manifested the corrupted PCS HD (hard drive) #6024
for return to Earth, and prepared some PCS laptops on ISS for installation
of PCS patches 3 and 4.
Valery also performed the regular routine inspections of the BRPK-1 water
condensate separator and VR fan of the SKV-1 air conditioner.
Treschev completed the periodic replacement of ASU toilet filter inserts,
performed the daily routine maintenance of the SOSh life support system,
and prepared the IMS inventory delta file for downlinking.
Peggy Whitson did the daily payload status checkup.
All crewmembers performed their physical exercise program.
Instructions were uplinked to the crew for gaining access to Airlock
(AL) hardware by rotating either the AV (avionics) rack or CA (cabin air)
rack in the AL. The AV rack rotation is estimated to take 45 min (down/up),
the CA rack 60 min.
CDR Korzun performed his daily checkup of the BIO-5 Rasteniya-2 ("Plants-2")
experiment status.
New procedures were uplinked for the Shuttle/ISS duct removal and hatch
closing activity scheduled for CDR Valery Korzun tomorrow (FD10).
Ground engineers reviewed the plan to deliver replacement gyroscope stabilization
cables for the TVIS treadmill on Soyuz 5S (10/28). The TVIS team is working
a plan to have a kit certified and ready for delivery to Baikonur as a
late-load item. It is also planned to review downlinked photos/video of
the current TVIS configuration in order to develop periodic inspection
The Vozdukh was deactivated yesterday at approximately 6:00am EDT to
measure the effectiveness of the CDRA (carbon dioxide removal assembly)
as the sole CO2 reduction subsystem for the ISS. The test run will continue
for approximately 48 hours. As of 4:00am this morning, preliminary indications
are that the CO2 levels on ISS with nine crewmembers are being effectively
controlled with the CDRA (even with the Metox regeneration performed overnight
in the AL).
Total altitude gain by the three 9A reboosts is estimated to be 9.9 km
(5.4 nmi).