ISS MER Daily Report STS 97/ISS 4A 7 Dec 2000
ISS MER Daily Report | ||
Date: 12/07/00 | STS 97/ISS 4A | GMT: 342:10:00 To GMT: 342:10:00 (4:00 a.m. 12-06-00 to 4:00 a.m. 12-07-00) |
OVERALL SYSTEM STATUS: All ISS systems are in nominal flight/stage configuration with the exception of the following: Previously Reported Status
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Last 24 Hours Status
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Open Chits | |||
Number (ISS) | Response Due (GMT) | Summary of Progress (OPEN ISSMER CHITS — LATE ISSMER CHITS — NON ISSMER CHITS)Chits without further MER Input required Chits that require MER Manager Action! | |
The following chits are all in Mission STS-092_3A | |||
ISS0123 | 2000/325:12:00 | IPRUSSIA to ISSMER, MOD "USOS EPS Functions Data" MER response entered. Several discussions between VI and MER-M on the disputed question | |
ISS0137 | 2000/329:18:00 | MOD to IPRUSSIA "Integrated Early OPS Caution & Warning (C&W) Checkout Procedure" | |
TI0012 | 2000/299:20:00 | ISSMER to IPRUSSIA – "FGB Battery 1 and 6 cycling" Faxed to MER-M for review. Safety has concurred. 10/17 – Data was given to KhSC showing FGB Battery 1&6 in cycle mode at the same time. MER-M working | |
The following chits are all in Mission STS-097_4A | |||
ISS0003 | 2000/329:00:00 | MOD to ISSMER 760XD Laptop with OCA Docking Station ISS MER response provided. | |
ISS0005 | 2000/335:23:00 | IPRUSSIA to IMC, ISSMER, MOD "Additional Cargo Stowage Zones in FGB" L&M response provided, VI also reviewing. IMC has the lead on this chit. | |
ISS0006 | 2000/334:18:00 | ISSMER to IPRUSSIA, MOD "Hazard Controls For Khladon Refrigerant Release During CKB-2 Installation". Russia would like this chit withdrawn. | |
ISS0015 | 2000/335:23:00 | IPRUSSIA to IMC, ISSMER, MOD "Equipment of 16 Empty Stowage Zones in FGB with Protective Barriers" L&M has reviewed and responded. S&MA wants to wait for IMC. | |
ISS0018 | 2000/337:00:00 | MOD to IPRUSSIA "Verification of Russian Segment C&W System Status During Crew Sleep" | |
ISS0020 | 2000/336:22:00 | ISSMER to MOD "Information Request for RS1 Laptop Computer" | |
ISS0023 | 2001/010:00:00 | MOD to ISSMER "5A Lab Activation Commands from Scratch need Verification" C&DH working | |
ISS0024 | 2001/010:00:00 | MOD to ISSMER "5A GNC Bus Switch Commands from Scratch" C&DH working | |
ISS0029 | 2000/340:21:00 | IMC to IPRUSSIA, ISSMER, MOD "SAFER Transfer and Stowage During 4A" ISS MER Response provided. | |
ISS0030 | 2000/336:24:00 | MOD to ISSMER "Operation of TVIS without proper Activation/Checkout" – EV&CS has provided response. | |
ISS0036 | 2000/339:00:00 | MOD to IMC "Surface Microbial Sampling during 4A" | |
ISS0042 | 2000/337:00:00 | IMC to CSR, ISSMER, MER, MOD "Real-time Flight Rule Change: Management of Partially Deployed radiator" ISSMER response provided. | |
ISS0043 | 2000/337:00:00 | IMC to CSR, ISSMER, MER, and MOD "Real-time Flight Rule Change: SAW Jettison Requirements" ISSMER response provided. | |
ISS0051 | 2000/340:22:00 | ISSMER to MOD- "Release of Station Program Notes" | |
ISS0052 | 2000/337:19:57 | ISSMER to IMC, MOD- "Use of 4-40 steel washers in clamp & Bracket Kit" | |
ISS0054 | 2000/337:12:00 | IMC to ISSMER, MOD "Real-Time Flight Rule Change:Non-Standard Stowage in PMA3" ISSER Response is in. | |
ISS0058 | 2000/338:00:00 | ISSMER to MOD "Modify P6 Battery Cell Pressure FEP Offset" | |
ISS0060 | 2000/337:18:00 | IMC to ISSMER, MER, MOD "Clarification on when to relocate WIS Antennas." ISS MER has responded. | |
ISS0061 | 2000/338:12:00 | ISSMER to MOD "PCU Low Temperature FDIR Inhibit" | |
ISS0063 | 2000/338:12:00 | MOD to ISSMER, IPRUSSIA "SM Caution and Warning Tone annunciation question" ISSMER has responded. | |
ISS0064 | 2000/341:16:00 | MOD to IPRUSSIA, ISSMER "Extend OCA Capability to Russian Segment Post 4A" Assigned to C&DH. IMC will be added as a responder. | |
ISS0066 | 2000/339:12:00 | ISSMER to MOD "Incorrect ARCU Power Feed Identification" Awaiting Opsplan concurrence. With no changes, Phoenix has concurred and the chit can be closed as soon as we get Opsplan response | |
ISS0067 | 2000/339:16:00 | ISSMER to MOD – “Recently opened or revised SPNs and PRs” | |
ISS0070 | 2000/338:21:00 | IMC to ISSMER- "Real time flight rule change 4A_2C-66 Partially Deployed Constraints – ISSMER response provided. | |
ISS0071 | 2000/338:15:00 | Real time flight rule change 4A_2C-66 Partially Deployed Radiator Jettison Requirements ISSMER response provided. | |
ISS0073 | 2000:338:21:00 | IMC to CSR, ISSMER, MOD – “Real Time Flight Rule Change – 4A_2C-69 Updates” ISS MER response is in. | |
ISS0074 | 2000/341:20:00 | ISSMER to IPRUSSIA, MOD – “ARCU H Jumper Activiation Procedure Redline” | |
STS0076 | 2000/342:16:00 | MOD to ISSMER- "Possibility of Water Transfer Using EDVs review. ISSMER Response provided. | |
ISS0077 | 2000/340:19:00 | ISSMER to MOD – “Ancillary Data Error for B/U PVCU MDM” | |
ISS0079 | 2000/338:23:00 | ISSMER to MOD – “Request for PVCA Diagnostic Data Dump Buffer Build – PPL 71” | |
ISS0082 | 2000/341:20:00 | IMC to CSR, IPRUSSIA, ISSMER, MER, MOD – “SAFER Transfer and Stowage During 4A (Update). ISSMER Response provided. | |
ISS0083 | 2000/339:08:00 | ISSMER to MOD – “BGA Rotation Method” | |
ISS0084 | 2000/ | MOD to ISSMER – “EETCS Out Temp Low Message” ISSMER response provided. | |
ISS0086 | 2000/339:12:58 | ISSMER to MOD- "CH 4B PFCS FCV to Full Bypass" | |
ISS090 | 2000/340:00:00 | IMC to CSR, IPRUSSIA, MER, MOD, ISSMER – “4A Transfer – Return Manifest Update (Supercedes ISS0056)” – MER Mgr to review response | |
ISS0091 | 2000/341:06:00 | MOD to ISSMER – “Request for Data Validity Indicators” – . ISSMER Response provided. | |
ISS0096 | 2000/339:03:40 | ISSMER to MOD – “Troubleshooting for BDCU Heater Power Switch Trip” | |
ISS0100 | 2000/346:00:00 | ISSMER to MOD, "FD6 Hardware Insulation Verification" | |
ISS0101 | 2000/340:21:00 | ISSMER to MOD "Declaration of crew "exercise"activity after aft EEATCS radiator uncinch/unwinch" | |
ISS0104 | 2000/341:11:00 | ISSMER to MOD "Safety Risk Assessment Regarding SAW Cable Contingency" | |
ISS0105 | 2000/341:08:00 | ISSMER to MOD "EEATCS Radiator Accumulator Sensor Deselect for Leak Protection" | |
ISS0106 | 2000/341:10:00 | ISSMER to MOD "Battery CW Data Dump" | |
ISS0107 | 2000/341:10:00 | ISSMER to MOD "Corrections to Node 1 UOP Checkout Procedure" | |
ISS0108 | 2000/342:05:00 | IMC to CSR, IPRUSSIA, ISSMER, MER, MOD- "4A Transfer requests (Update to CHIT 0090 as of GMT Day 341). C&DH and L&M are working | |
ISS0109 | 2000/341:18:00 | IMC to ISSMER, MOD- "Assess Temporary FPP Configuration for Thermal, loads | |
ISS0110 | 2000/341:13:30 | ISSMER to MOD,- "RPCM NA RS2 A Replacement" | |
ISS0111 | 2000/344:15:30 | ISSMER to MOD,- "APAS hatch seal inspection" | |
ISS0112 | 2000/341:13:30 | ISSMER to MOD- "RPCM N1 RS2 Relacement" | |
ISS0114 | 2000/350:20:00 | ISSMER to MOD, "RPCM Health Status" | |
ISS0115 | 2000/342:17:00 | ISSMER to MOD,- "PVTCS PPL 14 Change" | |
ISS0116 | 2000/342:03:00 | ISSMER to IMC, MOD- "SSU Shunting during SAW Repair during EVA3" | |
ISS0118 | 2000/341:16:00 | ISSMER to IMC, MOD – “EVA Plan for BGA Four-Bar Latching During EVA 3 on Flight 4A” | |
ISS0119 | 2000/341:24:25 | ISSMER to MOD, "Solar Array Video Assessment" | |
ISS0120 | 2000/342:13:00 | ISSMER to IMC, MOD- "Postponement of DTO 261 and request to limit the use of PRCS thrusters" | |
ISS0121 | 2000/344:18:00 | MOD to ISSMER "New version of PV PPL 19 to account for EETCS radiator accum qty sensor cross wiring" | |
STS0122 | 2000/342:08:00 | MOD to ISSMER "Assess EVA thermal environment during solar array repair" ISSMER response provided. | |
ISS00124 | 2000/342:19:00 | MOD to IMC, IMC, ISSMER, MER – “Transfer of Shuttle Pin Kit Resources to Station” | |
ISS00125 | 2000/342:23:00 | ISSMER to MOD "Park EETCS CS FCVs and Open RPC 6" | |
TI0135 | 2000/342:08:00 | ISSMER to MOD, IPRUSSIA "Service Module dp/dt alarm function" Sent to MER-M for their review | |
TI0137 | 2000/343:05:00 | ISSMER to IMC, MOD, IPRUSSIA "SM ECLSS failed units to be returned on STS-97" |
Closed Chits | |||
Number (ISS) | Response Due (GMT) | Summary of Progress
| |
3A-ISS0104 | 2000/312:12:00 | MOD to IPRUSSIA "Joint Russian/US Power Management Plan" | |
3A-STS0134 | 2000/326:00:00 | MOD to ISSMER "ISS CheCS Acoustic Hardware Failure" | |
3A-ISS0128 | 2000/323:20:00 | MOD to ISSMER, IMC "Launch Restraint Bolt Requirements" MER Response completed finally. | |
ISS0001 | 2000/327:00:00 | IPRUSSIA to ISSMER, MOD – "Flight 4A Power Requirements" | |
ISS0002 | 2000/332:18:00 | IMC to IPRUSSIA, MOD "New 2R Stage Task in Preparation for 4A" | |
STS0007 | 2000/332:22:00 | MOD to ISSMER "TVIS Card Anomaly" | |
ISS0011 | 2000/332:20:00 | MOD to ISSMER "ISS Printer Troubleshooting" | |
ISS0013 | 2000/335:14:00 | ISSMER to IPRUSSIA, MOD, IMC "Update to Yellow Tag List Items to be removed" | |
ISS0016 | 2000/342:00:00 | IMC to IPRUSSIA, ISSMER, MOD "ISS OCA R&R and Checkout" | |
ISS0017 | 2000/337:23:00 | ISSMER to MOD "Fluid QD EVA procedure update" | |
ISS0025 | 2000/336:16:00 | ISSMER to MOD "Request to Update and Switch to NCS Core Avionics APID Table 2 fdor 4A" | |
ISS0027 | 2000/338:00:00 | MOD to ISSMER "BCDU Existence Table PPLs Required" | |
ISS0028 | 2000/336:20:00 | MOD to CSR, IMC, IPRUSSIA, ISSMER "Proposed Sequence for Early Node 1 Ingress as Performed by ISS Crew on Shuttle FD" | |
ISS0031 | 2000/340:00:00 | ISSMER to MOD "Modification to BCDU and DDCU Remove/Stow contingency procedures" | |
ISS0032 | 2000/337:18:00 | ISSMER to MOD "EVA Install Protective Covers on P607 and P608" | |
ISS0034 | 2000/338:00:00 | MOD to ISSMER "TCS EETCS PPL Uploads and FEP Cal Curve Adjustment" | |
ISS0038 | 2000/338:00:00 | IMC to ISSMER, MOD "BGA Latch Flight Rule" | |
ISS0039 | 2000/338:00:00 | IMC to ISSMER, MOD "RTAS Bolt Flight Rules" | |
ISS0040 | 2000/339:00:00 | MOD to ISSMER "BCDU LOC Setpoint Htr On/Off Command Values" | |
ISS0041 | 2000/338:12:00 | MOD to ISSMER "PCU Management Plan for Flight 4A" | |
ISS0044 | 2000/337:00:00 | IMC to CSR, ISSMER, MOD "Change to IDRD Requirements: Deletion of Starboard Radiator Preps" | |
ISS0046 | 2000/337:01:00 | MOD to CSR, IMC, ISSMER, IPRUSSIA, MER "STS-97 Initial Transfer List" | |
ISS0048 | 2000/337:18:00 | IPRUSSIA to ISSMER, MOD-"Proposed 4A/ISS Power Balance Modeling" | |
ISS0049 | 2000/337:14:00 | MOD to ISSMER "Update on Launch To Activation Flight Rule. | |
ISS0050 | 2000/338:12:00 | MOD to IPRUSSIA- "SM Caution and Warning Tone Annunciation Questions". – Withdrawn | |
ISS0055 | 2000/339:00:00 | IMC to CSR, ISSMER, MOD "Relocate Gap Spanner During EVA" | |
ISS0056 | 2000/340:00:00 | IMC to CSR, IPRUSSIA, ISSMER, MER, MOD "4A Transfer Return Manifest Update" Withdrawn | |
ISS0057 | 2000/338:00:00 | ISSMER to MOD "Position EETCS to full bypass position prior to pump start" | |
ISS0059 | 2000/337:03:30 | ISSMER to MOD "PMA3 Ingress Warm-Up" | |
ISS0068 | 2000/337:04:00 | Mast Canister Thermal Blanket Re-installation procedure | |
ISS0072 | 2000/340:03:00 | ISSMER to MOD – “EETCS PFCS powerup post P6 install” | |
ISS0074 | 2000/341:20:00 | ISSMER to IPRUSSIA, MOD – “ARCU H Jumper Activiation Procedure Redline” | |
ISS0075 | 2000/340:00:00 | IMC to MOD, ISSMER "Change to EVA3 Timeline" | |
ISS0078 | 2000/340:00:00 | ISSMER to IPRUSSIA, MOD – “ARCU cable connector protection” withdrawn | |
ISS0084 | 2000/341:15:00 | MOD to ISSMER – “EETCS Out Temp Low Message Cycling Between in-Alarm and Return-to-Normal” | |
ISS0085 | 2000/339:21:00 | ISSMER to MOD – “Request for PVCA Diagnostic Data Dump Buffer Build – PPL71” Withdrawn | |
ISS0087 | 2000/339:21:00 | ISSMER to MOD- "Crew Solar Array Deflection Assessment" Withdrawn | |
ISS0088 | 2000/340:18:00 | Mod to ISSMER "Solar Array Wing (SAW) Mass Properties" | |
ISS0094 | 2000/340:18:00 | ISSMER to MOD, IPRUSSIA – “ARCU Cable Connector Protection” –withdrawn | |
STS0093 | 2000/340:12:00 | MER to ISSMER, MOD – “Photo Survey of PMA2 APDA” | |
STS0095 | 2000/340:11:30 | MOD to IMC, ISSMER – “Additional USA Tool Request” | |
ISS0097 | 2000/340:14:30 | IMC to ISSMER, MOD – “P6 SAW Positions for EVA2 Through EVA4” | |
ISS0103 | 2000/341:07:15 | ISSMER to MOD "PRCS for Mated Alt DAP Attitude Control" | |
ISS0113 | 2000/342:19:00 | MOD to IMC, ISSMER, MER,- "Transfer of Shuttle Pin Kit Resources to Station" Withdrawn | |
ISS0117 | 2000/341:21:00 | ISSMER to MOD- "Postponed use of PRCS Thrusters and DTO 261" Withdrawn | |
ISS0123 | 2000/343:01:00 | ISSMER to MOD – “Institude a new Volume B Flight Rule re the EEATCS Radiator Accumulators” | |
Open Items for Investigation (IFIs) | |||
Number | Title/Summary | ||
154 | FGB Batteries 1 and 6 Cycling Simultaneously | ||
155 | SM Battery 6 Unexpected Cycle Mode | ||
156 | SMCC/SMTC Lane Drops | ||
169 | EVA Ziptie Failure | ||
170 | PCU Tubes never reached temp when heaters active. | ||
171 | SM Battery 4 Cycling when battery 6 commanded | ||
172 | SM Condensate Heat Exchanger Fan Failed | ||
174 | OCA Headset Broken | ||
175 | PVCA ECU BGA Overvelocity Trips | ||
176 | BGA Hinge Lock Failure to Engage | ||
177 | Stbd Solar Array Deploy Anomaly | ||
179 | EE Radiator Quantity Unexpected reading |
Closed Items for Investigation (IFIs) | |
Number | Title/Summary |
173 | Mast Canister MLI Loose |
180 | RPCM NIRS2A "sick" flag set |
181 | APCU I Power Off for Approximately 11 seconds |
182 | APCU II tripping |