ISS MER Daily Report STS 97/ISS 4A 6 Dec 2000
ISS MER Daily Report | ||
Date: 12/06/00 | STS 97/ISS 4A | GMT: 341:10:00 To GMT: 341:10:00 (4:00 a.m. 12-05-00 to 4:00 a.m. 12-06-00) |
OVERALL SYSTEM STATUS: All ISS systems are in nominal flight/stage configuration with the exception of the following: Previously Reported Status
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Last 24 Hours Status
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Open Chits | |||
Number (ISS) | Response Due (GMT) | Summary of Progress (OPEN ISSMER CHITS — LATE ISSMER CHITS — NON ISSMER CHITS)Chits without further MER Input required Chits that require MER Manager Action! | |
The following chits are all in Mission STS-092_3A | |||
ISS0123 | 2000/325:12:00 | IPRUSSIA to ISSMER, MOD "USOS EPS Functions Data" MER response entered. Several discussions between VI and MER-M on the disputed question | |
ISS0137 | 2000/329:18:00 | MOD to IPRUSSIA "Integrated Early OPS Caution & Warning (C&W) Checkout Procedure" | |
TI0012 | 2000/299:20:00 | ISSMER to IPRUSSIA – "FGB Battery 1 and 6 cycling" Faxed to MER-M for review. Safety has concurred. 10/17 – Data was given to KhSC showing FGB Battery 1&6 in cycle mode at the same time. MER-M working. | |
The following chits are all in Mission STS-097_4A | |||
ISS0003 | 2000/329:00:00 | MOD to ISSMER 760XD Laptop with OCA Docking Station Response in work | |
ISS0005 | 2000/335:23:00 | IPRUSSIA to IMC, ISSMER, MOD "Additional Cargo Stowage Zones in FGB" L&M response provided, VI also reviewing. IMC has the lead on this chit. | |
ISS0006 | 2000/334:18:00 | ISSMER to IPRUSSIA, MOD "Hazard Controls For Khladon Refrigerant Release During CKB-2 Installation". Russia would like this chit withdrawn. | |
ISS0015 | 2000/335:23:00 | IPRUSSIA to IMC, ISSMER, MOD "Equipment of 16 Empty Stowage Zones in FGB with Protective Barriers" L&M has reviewed and responded. S&MA wants to wait for IMC. | |
ISS0018 | 2000/337:00:00 | MOD to IPRUSSIA "Verification of Russian Segment C&W System Status During Crew Sleep" | |
ISS0020 | 2000/336:22:00 | ISSMER to MOD "Information Request for RS1 Laptop Computer" | |
ISS0023 | 2001/010:00:00 | MOD to ISSMER "5A Lab Activation Commands from Scratch need Verification" C&DH working | |
ISS0024 | 2001/010:00:00 | MOD to ISSMER "5A GNC Bus Switch Commands from Scratch" C&DH working | |
ISS0029 | 2000/340:21:00 | IMC to IPRUSSIA, ISSMER, MOD "SAFER Transfer and Stowage During 4A" ISS MER Response provided. | |
ISS0030 | 2000/336:24:00 | MOD to ISSMER "Operation of TVIS without proper Activation/Checkout" – EV&CS has provided response. | |
ISS0036 | 2000/339:00:00 | MOD to IMC "Surface Microbial Sampling during 4A" | |
ISS0042 | 2000/337:00:00 | IMC to CSR, ISSMER, MER, MOD "Real-time Flight Rule Change: Management of Partially Deployed radiator" ISSMER response provided. | |
ISS0043 | 2000/337:00:00 | IMC to CSR, ISSMER, MER, and MOD "Real-time Flight Rule Change: SAW Jettison Requirements" ISSMER response provided. | |
ISS0048 | 2000/337:18:00 | IPRUSSIA to ISSMER, MOD-"Proposed 4A/ISS Power Balance Modeling" ISSMER response provided. | |
ISS0051 | 2000/340:22:00 | ISSMER to MOD- "Release of Station Program Notes" | |
ISS0052 | 2000/337:19:57 | ISSMER to IMC, MOD- "Use of 4-40 steel washers in clamp & Bracket Kit" | |
ISS0054 | 2000/337:12:00 | IMC to ISSMER, MOD "Real-Time Flight Rule Change:Non-Standard Stowage in PMA3" ISSER Response is in. | |
ISS0058 | 2000/338:00:00 | ISSMER to MOD "Modify P6 Battery Cell Pressure FEP Offset" | |
ISS0060 | 2000/337:18:00 | IMC to ISSMER, MER, MOD "Clarification on when to relocate WIS Antennas." ISS MER has responded. | |
ISS0061 | 2000/338:12:00 | ISSMER to MOD "PCU Low Temperature FDIR Inhibit" | |
ISS0063 | 2000/338:12:00 | MOD to ISSMER, IPRUSSIA "SM Caution and Warning Tone annunciation question" ISSMER has responded. | |
ISS0064 | 2000/341:16:00 | MOD to IPRUSSIA, ISSMER "Extend OCA Capability to Russian Segment Post 4A" Assigned to C&DH. IMC will be added as a responder. | |
ISS0066 | 2000/339:12:00 | ISSMER to MOD "Incorrect ARCU Power Feed Identification" Awaiting Opsplan concurrence. With no changes, Phoenix has concurred and the chit can be closed as soon as we get Opsplan response | |
ISS0067 | 2000/339:16:00 | ISSMER to MOD – “Recently opened or revised SPNs and PRs” | |
ISS0070 | 2000/338:21:00 | IMC to ISSMER- "Real time flight rule change 4A_2C-66 Partially Deployed Constraints – ISSMER response provided. | |
ISS0071 | 2000/338:15:00 | Real time flight rule change 4A_2C-66 Partially Deployed Radiator Jettison Requirements ISSMER response provided. | |
ISS0073 | 2000:338:21:00 | IMC to CSR, ISSMER, MOD – “Real Time Flight Rule Change – 4A_2C-69 Updates” ISS MER response is in. | |
ISS0074 | 2000/341:20:00 | ISSMER to IPRUSSIA, MOD – “ARCU H Jumper Activiation Procedure Redline” | |
STS0076 | 2000/342:16:00 | MOD to ISSMER- "Possibility of Water Transfer Using EDVs review. ISSMER Response provided. | |
ISS0077 | 2000/340:19:00 | ISSMER to MOD – “Ancillary Data Error for B/U PVCU MDM” | |
ISS0079 | 2000/338:23:00 | ISSMER to MOD – “Request for PVCA Diagnostic Data Dump Buffer Build – PPL 71” | |
ISS0082 | 2000/341:20:00 | IMC to CSR, IPRUSSIA, ISSMER, MER, MOD – “SAFER Transfer and Stowage During 4A (Update). ISSMER Response provided. | |
ISS0083 | 2000/339:08:00 | ISSMER to MOD – “BGA Rotation Method” | |
ISS0085 | 2000/339:21:00 | ISSMER to MOD – “Request for PVCA Diagnostic Data Dump Buffer Build – PPL71” | |
ISS0086 | 2000/339:12:58 | ISSMER to MOD- "CH 4B PFCS FCV to Full Bypass" | |
ISS090 | 2000/340:00:00 | IMC to CSR, IPRUSSIA, MER, MOD, ISSMER – “4A Transfer – Return Manifest Update (Supercedes ISS0056)” – MER Mgr to review response | |
ISS0091 | 2000/341:06:00 | MOD to ISSMER – “Request for Data Validity Indicators” – . ISSMER Response provided. | |
ISS0096 | 2000/339:03:40 | ISSMER to MOD – “Troubleshooting for BDCU Heater Power Switch Trip” | |
ISS0097 | 2000/340:14:30 | IMC to ISSMER, MOD – “P6 SAW Positions for EVA2 Through EVA4” ISSMER Response provided. | |
ISS0100 | 2000/346:00:00 | ISSMER to MOD, "FD6 Hardware Insulation Verification" | |
ISS0101 | 2000/340:21:00 | ISSMER to MOD "Declaration of crew "exercise"activity after aft EEATCS radiator uncinch/unwinch" | |
ISS0104 | 2000/341:11:00 | ISSMER to MOD "Safety Risk Assessment Regarding SAW Cable Contingency" | |
ISS0105 | 2000/341:08:00 | ISSMER to MOD "EEATCS Radiator Accumulator Sensor Deselect for Leak Protection" | |
ISS0106 | 2000/341:10:00 | ISSMER to MOD "Battery CW Data Dump" | |
ISS0107 | 2000/341:10:00 | ISSMER to MOD "Corrections to Node 1 UOP Checkout Procedure" | |
ISS0108 | 2000/342:05:00 | IMC to CSR, IPRUSSIA, ISSMER, MER, MOD- "4A Transfer requests (Update to CHIT 0090 as of GMT Day 341). C&DH and L&M are working | |
ISS0109 | 2000/341:18:00 | IMC to ISSMER, MOD- "Assess Temporary FPP Configuration for Thermal, loads | |
ISS0110 | 2000/341:13:30 | ISS to MOD,- "RPCM NA RS2 A Replacement" | |
ISS0111 | 2000/344:15:30 | ISSMER to MOD,- "APAS hatch seal inspection" | |
ISS0112 | 2000/341:13:30 | ISSMER to MOD- "RPCM N1 RS2 Relacement" | |
ISS0113 | 2000/342:19:00 | MOD to IMC, ISSMER, MER,- "Transfer of Shuttle Pin Kit Re" | |
ISS0114 | 2000/350:20:00 | ISSMER to MOD, "RPCM Health Status" | |
ISS0115 | 2000/342:17:00 | ISSMER to MOD,- "PVTCS PPL 14 Change" | |
ISS0116 | 2000/342:03:00 | ISSMER to IMC, MOD- "SSU Shunting during SAW Repair during EVA3" | |
ISS0118 | 2000/341:16:00 | ISSMER to IMC, MOD – “EVA Plan for BGA Four-Bar Latching During EVA 3 on Flight 4A” | |
ISS0119 | 2000/341:24:25 | ISSMER to MOD, "Solar Array Video Assessment" | |
ISS0120 | 2000/342:13:00 | ISSMER to IMC, MOD- "Postponement of DTO 261 and request to limit the use of PRCS thrusters" | |
ISS0121 | 2000/344:18:00 | MOD to ISSMER "New version of PV PPL 19 to account for EETCS radiator accum qty sensor cross wiring" | |
STS0122 | 2000/342:08:00 | MOD to ISSMER "Assess EVA thermal environment during solar array repair" The answer for this chit is part of ISS0097. Trying to get concurrence from EVA. Now told from Shuttle SPAN that EVA wants their own chit. | |
TI0128 | 2000/342:23:00 | ISSMER to MOD "Park EETCS CS FCVs and Open RPC 6" STAR and THOR coordinating words. | |
TI0130 | 2000/343:00:00 | ISSMER to MOD "Institute a new volume B flight rule re: the EEATCS radiator accumulators. | |
TI0135 | 2000/342:08:00 | ISSMER to MOD, IPRUSSIA "Service Module dp/dt alarm function" Sent to MER-M for their review | |
TI0137 | 2000/343:05:00 | ISSMER to IMC, MOD, IPRUSSIA "SM ECLSS failed units to be returned on STS-97" |
Closed Chits | |||
Number (ISS) | Response Due (GMT) | Summary of Progress
| |
3A-ISS0104 | 2000/312:12:00 | MOD to IPRUSSIA "Joint Russian/US Power Management Plan" | |
3A-STS0134 | 2000/326:00:00 | MOD to ISSMER "ISS CheCS Acoustic Hardware Failure" | |
3A-ISS0128 | 2000/323:20:00 | MOD to ISSMER, IMC "Launch Restraint Bolt Requirements" MER Response completed finally. | |
ISS0001 | 2000/327:00:00 | IPRUSSIA to ISSMER, MOD – "Flight 4A Power Requirements" | |
ISS0002 | 2000/332:18:00 | IMC to IPRUSSIA, MOD "New 2R Stage Task in Preparation for 4A" | |
STS0007 | 2000/332:22:00 | MOD to ISSMER "TVIS Card Anomaly" | |
ISS0011 | 2000/332:20:00 | MOD to ISSMER "ISS Printer Troubleshooting" | |
ISS0013 | 2000/335:14:00 | ISSMER to IPRUSSIA, MOD, IMC "Update to Yellow Tag List Items to be removed" | |
ISS0016 | 2000/342:00:00 | IMC to IPRUSSIA, ISSMER, MOD "ISS OCA R&R and Checkout" | |
ISS0017 | 2000/337:23:00 | ISSMER to MOD "Fluid QD EVA procedure update" | |
ISS0025 | 2000/336:16:00 | ISSMER to MOD "Request to Update and Switch to NCS Core Avionics APID Table 2 fdor 4A" | |
ISS0027 | 2000/338:00:00 | MOD to ISSMER "BCDU Existence Table PPLs Required" | |
ISS0028 | 2000/336:20:00 | MOD to CSR, IMC, IPRUSSIA, ISSMER "Proposed Sequence for Early Node 1 Ingress as Performed by ISS Crew on Shuttle FD" | |
ISS0031 | 2000/340:00:00 | ISSMER to MOD "Modification to BCDU and DDCU Remove/Stow contingency procedures" | |
ISS0032 | 2000/337:18:00 | ISSMER to MOD "EVA Install Protective Covers on P607 and P608" | |
ISS0034 | 2000/338:00:00 | MOD to ISSMER "TCS EETCS PPL Uploads and FEP Cal Curve Adjustment" | |
ISS0038 | 2000/338:00:00 | IMC to ISSMER, MOD "BGA Latch Flight Rule" | |
ISS0039 | 2000/338:00:00 | IMC to ISSMER, MOD "RTAS Bolt Flight Rules" | |
ISS0040 | 2000/339:00:00 | MOD to ISSMER "BCDU LOC Setpoint Htr On/Off Command Values" | |
ISS0041 | 2000/338:12:00 | MOD to ISSMER "PCU Management Plan for Flight 4A" | |
ISS0044 | 2000/337:00:00 | IMC to CSR, ISSMER, MOD "Change to IDRD Requirements: Deletion of Starboard Radiator Preps" | |
ISS0046 | 2000/337:01:00 | MOD to CSR, IMC, ISSMER, IPRUSSIA, MER "STS-97 Initial Transfer List" | |
ISS0049 | 2000/337:14:00 | MOD to ISSMER "Update on Launch To Activation Flight Rule. | |
ISS0050 | 2000/338:12:00 | MOD to IPRUSSIA- "SM Caution and Warning Tone Annunciation Questions". – Withdrawn | |
ISS0055 | 2000/339:00:00 | IMC to CSR, ISSMER, MOD "Relocate Gap Spanner During EVA" | |
ISS0056 | 2000/340:00:00 | IMC to CSR, IPRUSSIA, ISSMER, MER, MOD "4A Transfer Return Manifest Update" Withdrawn | |
ISS0057 | 2000/338:00:00 | ISSMER to MOD "Position EETCS to full bypass position prior to pump start" | |
ISS0059 | 2000/337:03:30 | ISSMER to MOD "PMA3 Ingress Warm-Up" | |
ISS0068 | 2000/337:04:00 | Mast Canister Thermal Blanket Re-installation procedure | |
ISS0072 | 2000/340:03:00 | ISSMER to MOD – “EETCS PFCS powerup post P6 install” | |
ISS0074 | 2000/341:20:00 | ISSMER to IPRUSSIA, MOD – “ARCU H Jumper Activiation Procedure Redline” | |
ISS0075 | 2000/340:00:00 | IMC to MOD, ISSMER "Change to EVA3 Timeline" | |
ISS0078 | 2000/340:00:00 | ISSMER to IPRUSSIA, MOD – “ARCU cable connector protection” Withdrawn | |
ISS0084 | 2000/341:15:00 | MOD to ISSMER – “EETCS Out Temp Low Message Cycling Between in-Alarm and Return-to-Normal” | |
ISS0087 | 2000/339:21:00 | ISSMER to MOD- "Crew Solar Array Deflection Assessment" Withdrawn | |
ISS0088 | 2000/340:18:00 | Mod to ISSMER "Solar Array Wing (SAW) Mass Properties" | |
ISS0094 | 2000/340:18:00 | ISSMER to MOD, IPRUSSIA – “ARCU Cable Connector Protection” –Withdrawn | |
STS0093 | 2000/340:12:00 | MER to ISSMER, MOD – “Photo Survey of PMA2 APDA” | |
STS0095 | 2000/340:11:30 | MOD to IMC, ISSMER – “Additional USA Tool Request” | |
ISS0103 | 2000/341:07:15 | ISSMER to MOD "PRCS for Mated Alt DAP Attitude Control" | |
ISS0117 | 2000/341:21:00 | ISSMER to MOD- "Postponed use of PRCS Thrusters and DTO 261" Withdrawn | |
Open Items for Investigation (IFIs) | |||
Number | Title/Summary | ||
154 | FGB Batteries 1 and 6 Cycling Simultaneously | ||
155 | SM Battery 6 Unexpected Cycle Mode | ||
156 | SMCC/SMTC Lane Drops | ||
169 | EVA Ziptie Failure | ||
170 | PCU Tubes never reached temp when heaters active. | ||
171 | SM Battery 4 Cycling when battery 6 commanded | ||
172 | SM Condensate Heat Exchanger Fan Failed | ||
173 | Mast Canister MLI Loose | ||
174 | OCA Headset Broken | ||
175 | PVCA ECU BGA Overvelocity Trips | ||
176 | BGA Hinge Lock Failure to Engage | ||
177 | Stbd Solar Array Deploy Anomaly | ||
179 | EE Radiator Quantity Unexpected reading | ||
Closed Items for Investigation (IFIs) | |
Number | Title/Summary |
180 | RPCM NIRS2A "sick" flag set |