Status Report

ISS Crew Unloads Progress

By SpaceRef Editor
December 29, 2004
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Tuesday aboard the International Space Station, Expedition 10 Commander
Leroy Chiao and Flight Engineer Salizhan Sharipov unloaded cargo from the
Progress 16 spacecraft that arrived Christmas Day. The Progress delivered
more than 2.5 tons (2,268 kilograms) of cargo, including propellant, oxygen
and air to help maintain the Station’s atmosphere, water, spare parts and
experiment hardware. It also delivered holiday presents and about a 112-day
supply of food for the crew. Sharipov also continued to integrate Progress
into ISS systems on Tuesday.

In other activities, Chiao conducted a routine audit of emergency equipment
aboard the Space Station. He also inspected smoke detectors in the Station’s
U.S. segment.

Sharipov recharged batteries in a satellite phone located in the ISS Soyuz 9
spacecraft, which will serve as the crew return vehicle.

SpaceRef staff editor.