Status Report

ISS Crew Conducts Research, Performs Upgrades

By SpaceRef Editor
July 14, 2003
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During its 11th week in space, the Expedition 7 crew had a full workload, which included science activities and upgrades to equipment in the International Space Station. On the science front, Commander Yuri Malenchenko and NASA ISS Science Officer Ed Lu participated in medical experiments that assess the health of crewmembers during long-duration space flight. Throughout the week, EarthKAM, which is also known as the Earth Knowledge Acquired by Middle School Students experiment, was operational. EarthKAM allows young people to look at the Earth using a camera on the ISS. More than 300 images were downlinked to Earth.

They installed new parts in the separation and pumping unit in the water recovery system in the Zvezda Service Module and a refurbished component in a navigation system. The crew also conducted audits of ISS supplies.

Next, Lu and Malenchenko will participate in an event with educators in the NASA Explorer Schools program. The event is set for 11:55 a.m. to 12:15 p.m. CDT (1655 to 1715 GMT) July 15. Then on July 17, Lu will downlink and narrate a video tour of the Station.

Read Expedition 7 NASA ISS Science Officer Ed Lu’s latest letter from the International Space Station.

SpaceRef staff editor.