Status Report

Invitation to attend NASA’s Early Stage Technology Workshop

By SpaceRef Editor
February 13, 2015
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Dear Colleagues,

On behalf of NASA’s Space Technology Mission Directorate (STMD) and Associate Administrator Michael Gazarik, it is an honor to personally invite you to attend our first Early Stage Technology Workshop on March 3-4, 2015 at the Boeing Regional Headquarters facility in Arlington, Va.

The purpose of the Early Stage Technology Workshop series is to further enhance the technology pipeline by expanding the potential infusion pathways for STMD-funded research. The objective is to generate an enhanced awareness and more complete understanding of the promising early stage technologies that are ripe for continued maturation, both internally at NASA, as well as externally to other government agencies, industry partners and academia.

The first Early State Technology Workshop will focus on the dynamic work under way in the areas of Astrophysics and Heliophysics. Approximately 20 technologists will present during the Workshop representing the STMD programs such as Small Business Innovation Research, Space Technology Research Grants, the Center Innovation Fund, and NASA Innovative Advanced Concepts. 

By participating in this Workshop, you will have the unique opportunity to listen and engage with NASA technologists who seek partnerships that can further innovation in space exploration and science. We are anticipating over 150 attendees to include NASA representatives, staff from other Federal offices such as the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency, the Department of Defense, and the Department of Energy, as well as industry partners and academia.

Technology drives exploration, and we hope that you will join us at the Early Stage Technology Workshop—one of many opportunities to create new collaboration for enabling the future of America’s space exploration endeavors.

Please register at

With limited seating, registration will be open on a first-come, first-served basis.  So don’t miss out on this great opportunity! Please contact me with any further questions.  We’re looking forward to seeing you next month!  For more information head over to and look for the icon on the right for this event.

SpaceRef staff editor.