International Space Station-Increment 7 Management 9 Apr 2003
Source: ISS Monthly Program Review, Vol. 131, 11 April 2003
- Completed Planning TIM in Moscow 3/31-4/4, where agreement on the IDRD was reached. Preliminary agreements on reduced usage rates was also accomplished.
- NASA and Russian approval of Increment 7 IDRD SSP 54007 on April 9. Other partner approvals in work.
- Approval of Increment 7 IDRD Annex 1 (Manifest) for flight 5S and 6S. The TCM for the flight 11P Annex 1 will be conducted 4/15.
- NASA approval of Increment 7 IDRD Annexes 2
- (Logistics and Maintenance), 3 (Imagery), 4 (Medical). Partner approvals in work.
- Participated in 6S SORR April 4.
- Participated in 6S FRR April 10.
- New Increment 7 (Option) OOS will be baselined April 11.
- 12P manifest definition in work with baseline in early May.
- Developing Current Stage Requirements Document for implementation at 6S launch.
- Preparing IMC shift and support schedule.
- none