Status Report

International Conference of Young Astronomers 2009

By SpaceRef Editor
August 5, 2009
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7-13 September 2009 Jagiellonian University, Krakow, Poland

More than 200 astronomers from around the world will gather for the first International Conference of Young Astronomers (ICYA) at the Jagiellonian University, Krakow, Poland, from Monday, 7 September to Saturday, 13 September 2009.

The ICYA is a scientific meeting of undergraduate and PhD students of astronomy and physics as well as more advanced astronomers. The conference is a contribution of young scientists in International Year of Astronomy 2009. Young astronomers intend to establish a global, annual conference for all scientists, researchers and advanced amateur astronomers who could meet in future and work together in projects which will develop modern astronomy.

The aim is to arrange an international conference to broaden minds and to discuss challenging issues of astronomy. Furthermore, and most important, the meeting should give a chance to establish links between young scientists who might cooperate in the future. The goal is to establish the ICYA as a regular conference, held once a year in different countries, connecting young astronomers from all over the world.

The conference in 2009 is organised by the Polish Astronomical Society in collaboration with Polish universities (The Jagiellonian University of Cracow, The University of Warsaw, The Adam Mickiewicz University of Pozna, The Nicolaus Copernicus University of Toru, The University of Zielona Gora, The University of Szczecin, The Nicolaus Copernicus Astronomical Centre of Polish Academy of Sciences) and receives support from foreign universities and astronomical societies as well as international astronomical organizations.

Media representatives are cordially invited to attend and will receive free meeting registration. For more information and to register or request press facilities please contact ICYA2009 Press Office ( Advance registration is not essential but encouraged.

ICYA2009 website:


Jan Pomierny
Member of the Organizing Committee

Tomasz Szymaski
Chairman of the Organizing Committee

SpaceRef staff editor.