Status Report

International Astronautical Congress, Global Space Exploration Conference, Global Space Conference on Climate Change – All Postponed

By SpaceRef Editor
April 13, 2020
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Dear IAF Community,

Following the growing escalation of the Covid-19 outbreak around the world, the IAF is saddened to inform you that the International Astronautical Congress – IAC in Dubai will not be taking place this year, but will be postponed. We are in the process of re-assessing the overall schedule of IACs and will inform you within the coming weeks about the new dates. As a consequence, the Call for Applications to Host the IAC in 2023 is suspended and a new Call for Hosting IAC 2024 will be opened in November 2020.

The health and safety of our community is of utmost importance to IAF. This is a very challenging time for everyone and we appreciate your understanding and support.

Also, the Global Space Exploration Conference – GLEX 2020 in St. Petersburg, and the Global Space Conference on Climate Change – GLOC 2021 in Oslo will be postponed by a year to 2021 and 2022 respectively. New dates will be communicated in the coming months.

Having worked so intensively with our International Programme Committees, volunteers, speakers, authors, sponsors, exhibitors, and partners preparing these events over the past years, we are genuinely disappointed to be forced to postpone, and we would like to thank all our partners for their contributions, support and strong engagement. The IAF will continue to serve our community with manifold events and activities in the future and live up to our motto “Connecting @ll Space People”, even if only virtually during these challenging times. As the past IAF Virtual Spring Meetings have been reminding us, great things happen when the community comes together and connects at the IAF.


Kind regards,

IAF Secretariat

SpaceRef staff editor.