Internal NASA Memo from Robert Hopkins, Chief, Office of Strategic Communications: NASA Messages

National Aeronautics and Space Administration
Washington, DC 20546-0001
August 1,2007
Reply to the attention of: Office of Strategic Communications
TO: Officials-in-Charge of Headquarters Offices
FROM: Chief, Office of Strategic Communications
I am pleased to provide you with the final NASA Message Construct. These messages have been market tested and have proven to resonate best with the general public.
The Message Construct serves to guide your communication efforts with the general public. We are asking that you use the Core Message: “NASA explores for answers that power our future,” in the text of your communications material and that it be used verbatim. We also have developed a graphic element to illustrate and enhance the Core Message. The graphic element is: Inspiration + Innovation + Discovery = Future. The graphic element is to be used on all Agency communications materials. The other messages in the Message Construct are also market-tested and should be used where best applicable.
The new Message Construct can be found at addition, the Strategic Communications Framework Implementation Plan, NASA Style Guide, and the Strategic Communications Implementation Handbook are also available at this site to help with your planning, implementation and usage.
I am available to brief you and/or your organizations on the new messaging and the Strategic Communications Framework Implementation Plan.
Robert Hopkins
CORE MESSAGE: NASA explores for answers that power our future.
Inspiration – NASA powers inspiration that encourages future generations to explore, learn, and build a better future.
- Space exploration engages and inspires the public and encourages students to pursue studies in challenging, high-tech fields.
- Space exploration contributes to our Nation’s economic competitiveness by helping to build and maintain a skilled, high-tech workforce.
- Going to the Moon and Mars will be a stunning achievement and enduring legacy to future generations of our desire to explore, learn, and progress.
Innovation – NASA powers innovation that creates new jobs, new markets, and new technologies.
- Space exploration has contributed to over a thousand new technologies that improve and save lives every day–advanced breast cancer imaging systems, heart pumps, biohazard detectors, LASIK eye surgery, and water filtration systems are just a few innovations that have benefited from NASA’s work.
- Space exploration will enable us to develop new technologies, such as hydrogen fuel cells, that may help meet our energy needs on Earth.
- NASA research enables safer, more environmentally friendly, and more efficient air travel. For example, NASA’s research in lightweight composite materials, quieter and cleaner aircraft engine technologies, and advanced air traffic management tools have all contributed to improving the Nation’s air transportation system.
Discovery – NASA powers discovery that enables us to learn more about ourselves, our world, and how to manage and protect it.
- Space exploration will enable us to better understand and protect Earth through the study of weather and climate change, to monitor the effects of the Sun, and to detect objects that could collide with Earth.
- Space exploration satisfies our curiosity, advances our knowledge, and answers fundamental questions about the history of Earth, the solar system, and the universe.
- Going to the Moon provides an opportunity to test new technologies and techniques and to develop resources for future missions to Mars and beyond.
Inspiration + Innovation + Discovery = Future
NASA explores for answers that power our future.
- NASA exploration powers inspiration that engages the public and encourages students to pursue studies in challenging high-tech fields.
- NASA exploration powers innovation that creates new jobs, new markets, and new technologies that improve and save lives every day in every community. Quieter and cleaner aircraft, advanced breast cancer screening, heart pumps, biohazard detectors, and LASIK eye surgery have all benefited from NASA’s work.
- NASA exploration powers discovery that enables us to better understand our solar system and protect Earth through the study of weather and climate change, to monitor the effects of the Sun, and to detect objects that could collide with Earth.
Why explore? Because exploration powers the future through inspiration, innovation, and discovery.
Deputy Administrator/Ms. Dale
Associate Administrator/Mr. Scolese
Chief of Staff/Mr. Morrell
Associate Deputy Administrator/W. Scales
Assistant Associate Administrator/Ms. Johnson
White House Liaison/Ms. Cherry
Assistant Administrator External Relations/W. O’Brien
Associate Administrator for Aeronautics Research Mission Directorate/Dr. Porter
Associate Administrator for Exploration Systems Mission Directorate/Dr. Horowitz
Associate Administrator for Institutions and Management/Mr. Luedtke
- Assistant Administrator for Diversity and Equal Opportunity/Ms. Manuel
- Assistant Administrator for Human Capital Management/Ms. Dawsey
- Assistant Administrator for infrastructure and Administration/Ms. Dominguez
- Assistant Administrator for Internal Controls and Management Systems/Mr. Henn
- (Acting)
- Assistant Administrator for Procurement/Ms. Goddard (Acting)
- Assistant Administrator for Security and Program Protection/Mr. Saleeba
- Assistant Administrator for Small Business Programs/Mr. Delgado
- Executive Director, NSSC/Mr. Arbuthnot
Associate Administrator for Program Analysis and Evaluation/Dr. Pace
Associate Administrator for Science Mission Directorate/Dr. Stern
Associate Administrator for Space Operations Mission Directorate/W. Gerstenmaier
Chief Engineer/Dr Ryschkewitsch
Chief Financial Officer/Mr. Bowie (Acting)
Chief Health and Medical Officer/Dr. Williams
Chief Information Officer/Ms. Pettus
- Director, Integrated Enterprise Management Program/Deputy CIO Mr. German
Chief Safety and Mission Assurance/Mr. O’Connor
Chief of Strategic Communications/Mr. Hopkins
- Assistant Administrator for Communications and Planning/Mr. Hopkins
- Assistant Administrator for Education/Dr. Winterton
- Assistant Administrator for Legislative and Intergovernmental Affairs/Mr. Bruner (Acting)
- Assistant Administrator for Public Affairs/D. Mould
Director, Innovative Partnerships Program Office/Mr. Comstock
Director, Office of Program and Institutional Integration/Mr. Keegan
General Counsel/Mr. Wholley
Inspector Genera/Mr. Cobb
Directors, NASA Centers:
Ames Research Center/Dr. Worden
Dryden Flight Research Center/Mr. Petersen
Glenn Research Center/Dr. Whitlow
Goddard Space Flight Center/Dr. Weiler
Jet Propulsion Laboratory/Dr. Elachi
Johnson Space Center/Mr. Coats
Kennedy Space Center/Mr. Parsons
Langley Research Center/Ms. Roe
Marshall Space Flight Center/Mr. King
Stennis Space Center/Dr. Gilbrech
cc: Director, Strategic Investments/Mr. Shank
Executive Secretariat/Mr. Box
Office of the Administrator/Ms. Mays
Office of the Administrator/Ms. Sweeney
Office of the Deputy Administrator/Dr. Keiser
Office of the Deputy Administrator/Ms. Potter