Status Report

Internal NASA Memo from Departing AA for Legislative Affairs Lee Forsgren

By SpaceRef Editor
April 11, 2005
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It is with mixed emotions that I announce my resignation as Assistant Administrator for Legislative Affairs effective April 16, 2005. I would like to make clear at the outset that my time at NASA has been one of the high points of my professional career. This agency is blessed with some of the most capable, and dedicated individuals that it has ever been my privilege to serve with. This is particularly true of the incredibly talented staff of the Office of Legislative Affairs which it has been my distinct honor to head. I truly regret leaving all of them.

I came to this agency to serve Administrator Sean O’Keefe and President Bush. I believe I have accomplished that objective. The last year and half have seen incredible positive change with the announcement of the President’s “Vision for Space Exploration,” Congressional affirmation of that Vision through the enactment of the FY 05 Omnibus Budget, and the transformation of the agency in order to implement that Vision. Such changes have been a challenge and a wondrous opportunity for this storied organization. It has been incredibly exciting to have had a ring side seat for this historic period. However, my responsibility to my family requires that I return to the private sector. I am leaving NASA to rejoin my former partner former Congressman Jimmy Hayes at the firm of “Washington Matters.”

When Administrator O’Keefe left I realized that I needed to depart as well. I knew however that there would be numerous transitional and legislative issues pending the appointment and confirmation of his successor that would require my attention. That process is now complete with the nomination and likely immanent confirmation of Michael Griffin to be Administrator. It is now the appropriate time for me to depart. In my meetings with Doctor Griffin I have been extremely impressed with his intelligence and vision. He will make an excellent Administrator.

I look forward to the watching the Agency take the first step in the Vision in May when, hopefully, the Space Shuttle Discovery will return this nation to manned space flight. I wish you all “God Speed!”


Lee [Forsgren]

SpaceRef staff editor.