Status Report

ILS Reschedules AMC-9 Satellite Launch for June 7

By SpaceRef Editor
June 3, 2003
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  • AMC-9
  • Spacebus 3000B3 platform
  • Separated mass: approx. 4,100 kg (9,039 lbs)

Launch Vehicle:

  • Proton K/Breeze M
  • Weight at liftoff: 691,272 kg (1.5 million lbs), including payload
  • Height: 61 m (200 ft)

Launch Date:

  • June 7, 2003 (Baikonur)
  • June 6, 2003 (GMT, U.S.)

Launch Window Opens:

  • 4:15 a.m. Baikonur
  • 22:15 GMT
  • 6:15 p.m. EDT

Launch Site:

  • Baikonur Cosmodrome, Kazakhstan Pad 39

End User:

  • SES AMERICOM, Princeton, N.J. Part of SES GLOBAL family of companies

Satellite Manufacturer:

  • Alcatel Space, Cannes, France

Launch Vehicle Manufacturer:

  • Khrunichev State Research and Production Space Center, Moscow

Launch Services Provider:

  • International Launch Services, McLean, Va.

Satellite Use:

  • High-power communications satellite operating
    at C- and Ku-band to expand digital
    television broadcasting, data transmission
    and telecommunications services to North

Satellite Statistics:

  • — 1st delivery-in-orbit launch for Alcatel by ILS
  • — 8th Alcatel satellite launched by ILS
  • — 5th ILS launch for AMERICOM
  • — 16th in SES AMERICOM constellation
  • — Orbital location: 85 degrees West longitude
  • — Anticipated service life of 15 years

Mission Profile:

Target Orbit at Separation:

  • Apogee: 35,786 km
  • Perigee: 6,661 km
  • Inclination: 17.54 degrees

Spacecraft Separation:

  • Approximately 8 hours, 55 minutes after liftoff

ILS Mission Statistics:

  • 300th Proton launch
  • 1st ILS Proton mission this year
  • 3rd ILS mission this year
  • 27th ILS mission on Proton since formation of the U.S.-Russian joint venture in 1995
  • 3rd ILS launch in two months

Live Broadcast in U.S.:

AMC-4, 101 degrees West, analog, transponder
22/C-band, downlink 4140MHz (H); digital,
transponder 21/Ku-band, downlink 12120 MHz
(V), FEC 3/4, 30 Msyms. Test signals start at
5:30 p.m. June 6 EDT

More Information: Live webcast and general mission information
are available on the ILS web site at Launch status updates are available on the ILS U.S. domestic Launch Hotline at 1-800-852-4980.

SpaceRef staff editor.