Hubble Space Telescope Daily Report #3067 – 1 Mar 2002
PERIOD COVERED: 0000Z (UTC) 02/28/02 – 0000Z (UTC) 03/01/02
Daily Status Report as of 060/0000Z
1.1 Completed Three Sets of WF/PC-2 8937 (Cycle 9 Supplemental Darks pt2/3)
The WF/PC-2 was used obtain three dark frames every day to provide
data for monitoring and characterizing the evolution of hot pixels. No
problems were encountered.
1.2 Completed STIS/CCD 9317 (Pure Parallel Imaging Program: Cycle 10)
The Space Telescope Imaging Spectrograph (CCD) was used to perform
the default archival pure parallel program for STIS during cycle 10. There
were no reported problems.
1.3 Completed Two Sets of STIS/CCD 8901 (Dark Monitor-Part 1)
The Space Telescope Imaging Spectrograph (CCD) was used to monitor
the darks. There was no anomalous activity.
1.4 Completed Three Sets of STIS/CCD 9131 (Imaging the Host Galaxies of
High Redshift Type Ia Supernovae)
The Space Telescope Imaging Spectrograph (CCD) was used to complete
the snapshot survey of distant galaxies of known redshift which hosted
supernovae {SNe} of Type Ia found via the Supernova Cosmology Project
{SCP}. No problems were seen.
1.5 Completed STIS/CCD 8903 (Bias Monitor – Part 1)
The Space Telescope Imaging Spectrograph (CCD) was used to monitor
the bias in the 1×1, 1×2, 2×1, and 2×2 bin settings at gain=1, and 1×1 at
gain = 4 to build up high-S/N superbiases and track the evolution of hot
columns. There were no problems.
1.6 Completed STIS/MA2 9573 (NUV-MAMA Daily Dark Monitor)
The Space Telescope Imaging Spectrograph (MA2) was used to perform
daily monitoring of the NUV MAMA detector dark noise in order to monitor
the effects of thermal changes on the NUV dark rate. No problems occurred.
1.7 Completed Two Sets of STIS/MA1/MA2 9111 (The UV Light Echo of Shock
Breakout During SN 1987A)
The Space Telescope Imaging Spectrograph (MA1 and MA1) was used to
observe light echoes {transient reflection nebulae} from SN1987A that were
discovered in the optical in 1988 and have been detected in the vacuum
ultraviolet by IUE. The proposal completed with no reported problems.
1.8 Completed Two Sets of STIS/MA2 8920 (Cycle 10 MAMA Dark Measurements)
The Space Telescope Imaging Spectrograph (MA2) was used to perform
the routine monitoring of the MAMA detector dark noise, and is the primary
means of checking on health of the MAMA detectors systems through frequent
monitoring of the background count rate. The proposal completed with no
reported anomalous activity.
1.9 Completed WF/PC-2 9319 (POMS Test Proposal: WFII Backup Parallel
Archive Proposal II)
The WF/PC-2 was used to execute a POMS test proposal, designed to
simulate future scientific plans. The proposal completed without incident.
1.10 Completed Two Sets of WF/PC-2 8059 (POMS Test Proposal: Targeted
Parallel Archive Proposal)
The WF/PC-2 was used to observe the parallel opportunities
available in the neighborhood of bright galaxies are treated in a slightly
different way from the normal pure parallels. Local Group galaxies offer
the opportunity for a closer look at young stellar
populations. Narrow-band images in F656N can be used both to identify
young stars via their emission lines, and to map the gas distribution in
star-forming regions. The observations completed nominally.
1.11 Completed Two Sets of STIS/CCD 9077 (Survey of the LMC Planetary
The Space Telescope Imaging Spectrograph (CCD) was used to perform
a snapshot survey of all known LMC planetary nebulae {PNe} in order to
study the co-evolution of the nebulae and their central stars, and to probe
the chemical enrichment history of the LMC. There were no reported problems.
1.12 Completed Three Sets of WF/PC-2 9318 (POMS Test Proposal: WFII
Parallel Archive Proposal Continuation)
The WF/PC-2 was used to perform the generic target version of the
WFPC2 Archival Pure Parallel program. The program was used to take
parallel images of random areas of the sky, following the recommendations
of the Parallels Working Group. There were no reported problems.
1.13 Completed STIS/CCD 9070 (A Census of Nuclear Star Clusters in
Late-Type Spiral Galaxies: II. Spectroscopy and Stellar Populations)
The Space Telescope Imaging Spectrograph (CCD) was used to
investigate spiral galaxies that have a prominent star cluster in their
dynamical center. Statistics for cluster frequency, size, and luminosity
remain incomplete. The proposal completed as planned.
2.1 Guide Star Acquisitions:
Scheduled Acquisitions: 7
Successful: 7
Scheduled Re-acquisitions: 5
Successful: 5
2.2 FHST Updates:
Scheduled: 19
Successful: 19
2.3 Operations Notes:
Using ROP SR-1A, the SSR-1 EDAC error counter was cleared three times.
Per HSTAR 8514, communications with JSC and KSC via SCAMA at
060/0129Z was lost. Communication were re-established via black telephones
until the SCAMAs were properly configured about one-and-one-half hours later.
STS-109 was successfully launched at 060/112201.985Z. Science
operations will continue until 060/182400Z. Tomorrow’s Daily Report will
be the last until science operations resume following Servicing Mission 3B.
Resumption of normal science observations and calibrations
following Servicing Mission 3B.