Hubble Legacy Archive Data Release 3 Now Available
HLA Data Release 3 Includes New NICMOS Images, ACS Grisms, WFPC2 Source Lists, Prototype Mosaics
The Hubble Legacy Archive (HLA) has entered its Data Release 3 (DR3) phase of operation. DR3 features several new major categories of data products and substantive interface improvements for the HLA:
– Improved NICMOS data, including both recalibrated single images using the new processing pipeline and Multidrizzle combinations of multiple exposures obtained within a single visit;
– Extracted ACS GRISM spectra provided by the Space Telescope European Coordinating Facility (ST-ECF);
– Source lists for WFPC2 single-visit combined images, obtained with both DAOPhot and Source Extractor, similar to those previously released for ACS images;
– A small number of prototype ACS mosaics, which combine data taken over multiple visits into a single, deeper, more extended image;
– An improved set of options for the shopping cart download, including the ability to select images and data from multiple views and to combine retrieval for both HLA and DADS products, and an estimate of the data volume for download;
– Enhanced options for the sorting and filtering of data, and better interoperability between different views;
– The addition of the GALEX source catalog to the overlay options in the
interactive display;
– Advanced controls for the display of color images in the interactive display.
The HLA project is a collaboration between the Space Telescope Science
Institute, the Space Telescope European Coordinating Facility, and the
Canadian Astronomy Data Centre.
For more information, please access the main HLA page at