Status Report

HST Daily Report # 3278 – Part 2

By SpaceRef Editor
January 13, 2003
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HST Daily Report # 3278 – Part 2

ACS 9453

The Age of the Andromeda Halo

With the advent of the ACS, we can cross a critical threshold in the study of
galaxy formation: For the first time, we can resolve the old main sequence
in the Andromeda halo, and thus directly determine the ages of the halo
stars in
a giant galaxy other than our own. As the nearest giant galaxy, Andromeda
the best testing ground for understanding galaxy formation and evolution.
Resolution of its halo will tell us about its spread in age and metallicity,
thus providing a formation history. Via extensive simulations, we demonstrate
that we can unambiguously characterize the halo population via a deep
F606W/F814W color-magnitude diagram reaching below the main sequence turnoff.
The data will distinguish whether the halo formed quickly or through protracted
infall and merging episodes, and would detect even a few percent trace of
intermediate age stars. Our field was carefully chosen to meet two criteria: an
optimal stellar density ensuring adequate statistics while avoiding
overcrowding, and the inclusion of an Andromeda globular cluster matched to the
peak halo metallicity. We also propose very brief observations in the same two
bands of five Galactic globular clusters spanning a wide metallicity range,
establishing population templates in the ACS photometric system that will be
used to calibrate and interpret the Andromeda data.

ACS 9478

The Duty Cycle of Star Formation : Far-UV imaging of the Hubble Deep Field

We propose deep far-UV imaging of the Hubble Deep Field {HDF} with the
Previously, we surveyed 1/5 of the HDF in the UV and now propose to
complete the
area. Near- and far-UV number counts suggest that there is a large
population of
UV- bright starbursts at moderate redshifts {z<0.6}, and our proposed
observations will investigate their nature. We will measure the star formation
properties of these galaxies and their morphologies in the UV, optical, and
near-IR. This catalog of starbursts will also be important to the astronomical
community after Cycle 11 in interpreting planned SIRTF observations of the
field. We will also set strict limits on the flux escaping in intermediate
redshift {1<z<2} galaxies at wavelengths below the rest-frame 912 Angstrom
limit, and thus infer the contribution of star forming galaxies at z~ 5 to the
metagalactic ionizing radiation. Finally, we will measure the diffuse far-UV
background at 1600 Angstrom. The HDF is the best field in the sky for the
background measurements, given the legacy of ultra-deep observations at other
wavelengths. In the spirit of the Hubble Deep Fields, we waive proprietary
rights to these data.

ACS/HRC 9379

Near Ultraviolet Imaging of Seyfert Galaxies: Understanding the Starburst-AGN

We propose a near-UV snapshot survey of 101 Seyfert galaxies using ACS/HRC and
the filter F330W, a configuration which is optimal to detect faint star forming
regions around their nuclei. These images will complement optical and near-IR
images available in the HST archive, thus providing a panchromatic atlas of the
inner regions of active galaxies, which we will use to study the starburst-AGN
connection. The main goals of this proposal are: {1} Determine the frequency of
circumnuclear starbursts in Seyferts, down to levels which cannot be observed
from the ground; {2} characterize the observational {fluxes, colors, structure,
sizes} and intrinsic {luminosities, masses, ages, global star-formation rate}
properties of these clusters; {3} derive the luminosity functions of young star
clusters around the nucleus of Seyferts and compare these results with those
from normal and starburst galaxies to determine their survival rate close
to the
AGN; {4} address questions about the relation between AGNs and starbursts, like
the possible connection between the masses and luminosities of black holes and
starbursts, and the implications for the evolution of the black holes and their
host galaxy bulges. By adding UV images to the existing optical and near-IR
ones, this project will create an extremely valuable database for astronomers
with a broad range of scientific interests, from the properties of the AGN to
the properties of their host galaxies.

ACS/WFC 9479

The Field Stellar Populations of M33’s Outer Halo

In cycle 5, we observed 10 globular clusters in the halo of M33 with HST/WFPC2.
For each cluster, we have constructed VI color-magnitude diagrams {CMDs} that
reach some 2 magnitudes below the horizontal branch {HB}. Although their mean
metallicity is <~ngleFe/H angle= -1.27 +/- 0.11, 80 possess completely red HB
morphologies, much redder than comparable globular clusters in the halo of the
Milky Way. Furthermore, these M33 halo globulars therefore suffer from the
`second parameter effect’ where another parameter in addition to metallicity is
influencing the HB morphology. If interpreted in terms of age, this leads us to
the surprising conclusion that the epoch of halo formation in M33 was
significantly more extended as compared with the Milky Way. Of course, this
conclusion is based only on the properties of the halo clusters in M33. As a
result, we propose to investigate the properties of the halo field stars in
Our approach involves the construction of VI color-magnitude diagrams for 3
fields located at projected distances of 7 kpc, 8 kpc, and 9 kpc from the
of M33. From the color-magnitude diagrams, we will measure the mean
metallicity dispersion, and horizontal branch morphology of the field halo
in M33. These properties will be compared with those of the M33 halo globular
clusters as well as the halo populations of the Milky Way and M31.

ACS/WFPC2 9488

Cosmic Shear – with ACS Pure Parallel Observations

The ACS, with greater sensitivity and sky coverage, will extend our ability to
measure the weak gravitational lensing of galaxy images caused by the large
scale distribution of dark matter. We propose to use the ACS in pure parallel
{non- proprietary} mode, following the guidelines of the ACS Default Pure
Parallel Program. Using the HST Medium Deep Survey WFPC2 database we have
measured cosmic shear at arc-min angular scales. The MDS image parameters, in
particular the galaxy orientations and axis ratios, are such that any residual
corrections due to errors in the PSF or jitter are much smaller than the
measured signal. This situation is in stark contrast with ground-based
observations. We have also developed a statistical analysis procedure to derive
unbiased estimates of cosmic shear from a large number of fields, each of which
has a very small number of galaxies. We have therefore set the stage for
measurements with the ACS at fainter apparent magnitudes and smaller, 10
arc-second scales corresponding to larger cosmological distances. We will adapt
existing MDS WFPC2 maximum likelihood galaxy image analysis algorithms to work
with the ACS. The analysis would also yield an online database similar to that

ACS/WFPC2 9481

Pure Parallel Near-UV Observations with WFPC2 within High-Latitude ACS Survey

In anticipation of the allocation of ACS high-latitude imaging survey{s}, we
request a modification of the default pure parallel program for those WFPC2
parallels that fall within the ACS survey field. Rather than duplicate the red
bands which will be done much better with ACS, we propose to observe in the
near-ultraviolet F300W filter. These data will enable study of the rest-frame
ultraviolet morphology of galaxies at 0<z<1. We will determine the
k-correction, and the location of star formation within galaxies, using a
that is likely to be nearly complete with multi-wavelength photometry and
spectroscopic redshifts. The results can be used to interpret observations of
higher redshift galaxies by ACS.

FGS 9347

FGS Astrometry of the Extrasolar Planet of Epsilon Eridani

We propose observations with HST/FGS in Position Mode to determine the
astrometric elements {perturbation orbit semimajor axis and inclination} of the
candidate extra-solar planet around the K2 V star Epsilon Eridani that has been
detected by Doppler spectroscopy. These observations will also permit us to
determine the actual mass of the planet by providing the sin{i} factor
which can
not be determined with the radial velocity method. High precision radial
velocity {RV} measurements spanning the years 1980.8–2000.0 for the nearby
{3.22 pc} star Epsilon Eri show convincing variations with a period of ~ 7 yrs.
These data represent a combination of six independent data sets taken with four
different telescopes. A least squares orbital solution using robust estimation
yields orbital parameters of period, P = 6.9 yrs, velocity K- amplitude = 19
m/s, eccentricity e = 0.6, projected companion mass M_B sin{i} = 0.83
An estimate of the inclination yields a perturbation semi-major axis, Alpha =
0arcs0022, easily within the reach of HST/FGS astrometry.

GO 9428

SINS: The Supernova Intensive Study– Cycle 11

Supernovae create the chemical history of the Universe, energize the
interstellar gas, form the spine of the extragalactic distance scale, and
provide the only direct evidence for an accelerating universe. SINS is a
to study supernovae, near and far. HST is the perfect match in field and scale
for spatially-resolved observations of SN 1987A. There, a violent encounter
between the fast-moving debris and the stationary inner ring is well underway.
Monitoring this interaction will help solve the riddles of stellar evolution
posed by the enigmatic three-ring system of SN 1987A. Our UV observations of
Ly-Alpha emission reveal a remarkable reverse shock that provides a unique
laboratory for studying fast shocks and a powerful tool for dissecting the
structure of the vanished star. For more distant events, we propose
Target-of-Opportunity observations. In addition to one bright new supernova in
Cycle 11 discovered by any search at any time, we propose to discover two
supernovae for study in the ultraviolet at times specified in advance,
using the
Lick Observatory Supernova Search. SINS will study the historic SN 1987A,
explore UV emission from supernovae, and press late-time observations of
supernovae into uncharted territory of infrared catastrophes, light echoes, and
stellar remnants.


Completing A Near-Infrared Search for Very Low Mass Companions to Stars within
10 pc of the Sun

Most stars are fainter and less massive than the Sun. Nevertheless, our
knowledge of very low mass {VLM} red dwarfs and their brown dwarf cousins is
quite limited. Unknown are the true luminosity function {LF}, multiplicity
fraction, mass function, and mass-luminosity relation for red and brown dwarfs,
though they dominate the Galaxy in both numbers and total mass. The best way to
constrain these relations is a search for faint companions to nearby stars.
a search has several advantages over field surveys, including greater
sensitivity to VLM objects and the availability of precise parallaxes from
luminosities and masses can be derived. We propose to complete our four-filter
NICMOS snapshot search for companions to stars within 10 pc. With a 10 sigma
detection limit of M_J ~ 20 at 10 pc, we can detect companions between 10 and
100 AU that are at least 9 mag fainter than the empirical end of the main
sequence and at least 6.5 mag fainter than the brown dwarf Gl 229B. When
completed, our search will be the largest, most sensitive, volume-limited
for VLM companions ever undertaken. Our four-filter search will permit
unambiguous identification of VLM-companion candidates for follow-up
observation. Together with IR speckle and deep imaging surveys, our program
firmly establish the LF for VLM companions at separations of 1-1000 AU and the
multiplicity fraction of all stars within 10 pc.


NICMOS Parallel Thermal Background

NICMOS Camera 2 pure parallel exposures in the F222M and F237M filters to
establish the stability of the HST+NCS+Instrument thermal emission. This data
will be compared against the already available Camera 3 measurements in F222M
which show an increased thermal background.


NICMOS Post-SAA calibration – CR Persistence Part 1.

A new procedure proposed to alleviate the CR-persistence problem of NICMOS.
frames will be obtained immediately upon exiting the SAA contour 23, and every
time a NICMOS exposure is scheduled within 50 minutes of coming out of the SAA.
The darks will be obtained in parallel in all three NICMOS Cameras. The
darks will be non-standard reference files available to users with a USEAFTER
date/time mark.


The NICMOS Parallel Observing Program

We propose to manage the default set of pure parallels with NICMOS. Our
experience with both our GO NICMOS parallel program and the public parallel
NICMOS programs in cycle 7 prepared us to make optimal use of the parallel
opportunities. The NICMOS G141 grism remains the most powerful survey tool for
HAlpha emission-line galaxies at cosmologically interesting redshifts. It is
particularly well suited to addressing two key uncertainties regarding the
global history of star formation: the peak rate of star formation in the
relatively unexplored but critical 1<= z <= 2 epoch, and the amount of star
formation missing from UV continuum-based estimates due to high extinction. Our
proposed deep G141 exposures will increase the sample of known HAlpha emission-
line objects at z ~ 1.3 by roughly an order of magnitude. We will also obtain a
mix of F110W and F160W images along random sight-lines to examine the space
density and morphologies of the reddest galaxies. The nature of the extremely
red galaxies remains unclear and our program of imaging and grism spectroscopy
provides unique information regarding both the incidence of obscured star
and the build up of stellar mass at intermediate redshifts. In addition to
out the parallel program we will populate a public database with calibrated
and images, and provide limited ground- based optical and near-IR data for
the deepest parallel

STIS 9607

CCD Bias Monitor – Part 1

Monitor the bias in the 1×1, 1×2, 2×1, and 2×2 bin settings at gain=1, and 1×1
at gain = 4, to build up high-S/N superbiases and track the evolution of hot

STIS 9605

CCD Dark Monitor-Part 1

Monitor the darks for the STIS CCD

STIS 9633

STIS parallel archive proposal – Nearby Galaxies – Imaging and Spectroscopy

Using parallel opportunities with STIS which were not allocated by the TAC, we
propose to obtain deep STIS imagery with both the Clear {50CCD} and Long-Pass
{F28X50LP} filters in order to make color-magnitude diagrams and luminosity
functions for nearby galaxies. For local group galaxies, we also include G750L
slitless spectroscopy to search for e.g., Carbon stars, late M giants and
stars. This survey will be useful to study the star formation histories,
chemical evolution, and distances to these galaxies. These data will be placed
immediately into the Hubble Data Archive.

STIS 9706

STIS Pure Parallel Imaging Program: Cycle 10

This is the default archival pure parallel program for STIS during cycle 10.


Closing in on the Hydrogen Reionization Edge of the Universe.

The Space Telescope Imaging Spectrograph (CCD) was used in parallel constrain
the Hydrogen reionization edge in emission that marks the transition from a
neutral to a fully ionized IGM at a predicted redshifts.


Do the Most Powerful Radio Galaxies Host the Most Massive Black Holes ?

The 3CR Snapshot Imaging Survey that we have undertaken has revealed the
existence of spectacular sub-arcsecond emission- line disks in three FR II
galaxies : 3C 109, 3C 184.1, and 3C 382. They span a redshift range of 0.06 < z
< 0.31, have diameters of 3-15 kpc, and have nearly orthogonal disk and radio
jet axes. We propose to measure the black hole {BH} masses in these three
galaxies with STIS/G750M and test whether the masses correlate more tightly
the optical bulge luminosity, the radio luminosity, or the nuclear velocity
dispersion. These will represent the first mass determinations of BHs in FR II
galaxies. For 3C 184.1 and 3C 382, the radio M_BH-L_5_GHz correlation predicts
BH masses {{11, 8}x10^9 M_sun} that are factors of ~10-55 greater than
by the optical M_BH-L_B relation {{0.2, 1}x10^9 M_sun}, while for 3C 109, both
relations yield a stunning BH mass of ~20×10^9 M_sun. A positive detection of
these extreme BH masses would confirm radio luminosity as a sensitive indicator
of BH mass and will extend the M_o-Sigma, M_BH-L_B, and M_BH-L_5_GHz relations
to unprecedentedly large BH masses. Additionally, line and continuum
will be performed over 2900-10300 Ang to determine the physics of the disks
{shocks vs. photoionization}. This study will help constrain any evolutionary
sequence between the BH masses and disks of the two FR types.


SINS: The Supernova Intensive Study– Cycle 10.

The Space Telescope Imaging Spectrograph (CCD) was used to perform closer
observations of supernovae that will create the chemical history of the
Universe, energize the interstellar gas, stiffen the spine of the extragalactic
distance scale and provide the only evidence for an accelerating universe. A
violent encounter is underway between the fast-moving debris and the stationary
inner ring. Monitoring this interaction will help solve the riddles of stellar
evolution posed by the enigmatic three-ring system of SN 1987A. Our UV
observations of Ly- Alpha emission reveal the present location and velocity
of a
remarkable reverse shock that provides a unique laboratory for studying fast
shocks and a powerful tool for dissecting the structure of the vanished star.


Understanding High-Redshift and Starburst Galaxies: A UV Spectroscopic
Survey of
B- Stars in the SMC.

The Space Telescope Imaging Spectrograph (CCD and MA2) was used to construct a
high quality spectral library at low metallicity in order to synthesize the UV
spectra of high redshift star-forming galaxies and nearby starbursts.

WF/PC-2 9345

Fundamental Properties of L-type Dwarfs in Binaries.

The WF/PC-2 was used to characterize the physical properties of eight L-dwarfs
in four binary systems. The goal is to obtain astrometric, photometric and
spectroscopic measurements of each component that will yield basic information
on their atmospheric and dynamical properties.

WFPC2 9598

Earth Flats

This proposal monitors flatfield stability. This proposal obtains sequences of
Earth streak flats to construct high quality flat fields for the WFPC2 filter
set. These flat fields will allow mapping of the OTA illumination pattern and
will be used in conjunction with previous internal and external flats to
generate new pipeline superflats. These Earth flats will complement the Earth
flat data obtained during cycles 4-10.

WFPC2 9676

POMS Test Proposal: WFII parallel archive proposal

This is the generic target version of the WFPC2 Archival Pure Parallel program.
The program will be used to take parallel images of random areas of the sky,
following the recommendations of the 2002 Parallels Working Group.

WFPC2 9634

POMS Test Proposal: WFII targeted parallel archive proposal

The parallel opportunities available with WFPC2 in the neighborhood of bright
galaxies are treated in a slightly different way from the normal pure
Local Group galaxies offer the opportunity for a closer look at young stellar
populations. Narrow-band images in F656N can be used both to identify young
stars via their emission lines, and to map the gas distribution in star-forming
regions. Thus, the filter F656N is added to the four standard filters. Near
distant galaxies, up to about 10 Mpc, we can map the population of globular
clusters; for this purpose, F300W is less useful, and only F450W, F606W, and
F814W will be used.

WFPC2 9593


This dark calibration program obtains 3 dark frames every day to provide data
for monitoring and characterizing the evolution of hot pixels.

WFPC2 9594


This dark calibration program obtains 3 dark frames every day to provide data
for monitoring and characterizing the evolution of hot pixels

WFPC2 9599

WFPC2 Cycle 11 UV Earth Flats

Monitor flat field stability. This proposal obtains sequences of earth streak
flats to improve the quality of pipeline flat fields for the WFPC2 UV filter
set. These Earth flats will complement the UV earth flat data obtained during
cycles 8-10.


Significant Spacecraft Anomalies: (The following are preliminary reports of
potential non-nominal performance that will be investigated.) None





Network experienced Primary T1 line outage, reconfigured to backup line @
Many science data re-dumps and LOR playbacks were performed, see
below. Network has
twice attempted to return to the Prime T1 line configuration and both
incidents have
had negative results.

Primary ATM switch at the STScI (SCIATMA) failed at approximately 010/17:10Z.
Cycled power on the switchboard and it was back up by 010/17:25Z. Outage
the HSTnet at the STScI (including VDS, the SIMOR, and "A" and "G" Strings)
all of the net access to HSTnet and to other external networks.
Removed and reseated the ATM board. This caused it to re-boot without
the catalyst switch, which minimized any impact to the CCS strings. ATM
is back up, all Lane clients are back up, VDS is functional, and OPS is flying
the spacecraft on "A" String without problems. Believe this is a software
problem since it occurred about a month ago on the backup switch SCIATMB.
Suspect it is caused by a memory leak and thus is a function of time since
last re-boot. SCIATMA was re-booted 5/30/01, SCIATMB was re-booted 4/3/01.
Consulting with Cisco about the problem.

SpaceRef staff editor.