Status Report

H-IIA Update: Eight Days to Launch – 8 days before a launch

By SpaceRef Editor
December 6, 2002
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We have only a week to launch the Advanced Earth Observing Satellite-II
(ADEOS-II) by H-IIA Launch Vehicle No.4 (H-IIA F4).

On Dec. 6, the encapsulated ADEOS-II and microsatellites by the payload
fairing were transported to the Vehicle Assembly Building (VAB), where H-IIA
F4 operations were underway. A special transporter for encapsulated
satellites consists of a trailer and air-conditioning equipment. During
transportation, the environment inside a fairing is controlled by sending
clean air through an orange duct that connects the air-con equipment and
After being transported to VAB, the encapsulated satellites were slung up to
the top of H-IIA F4 to be loaded onto the second stage.

ADEOS-II final launch preparations started on Oct. 30, and those of the
microsatellites in early to mid November in the Spacecraft and Fairing
Assembly Building (SFA). H-IIA F4 launch site operations began on Nov. 2 at
VAB. Today, the payloads and launch vehicle that had been prepared in
separate facilities for a month were finally mated.

ADEOS-II/H-IIA F4 launch will be reported live through the internet and
large vision screens in NASDA offices and the National Museum of Emerging
Science and Innovation. Please watch the event.

SpaceRef staff editor.