Genesis Mission Status Updates
Having passed mission midpoint the previous week, the Genesis spacecraft continues to operate in overall good health as it soldiers on collecting solar wind material expelled from the Sun.
Telemetry from the Genesis spacecraft indicates that it is spinning at a rate of 1.598 rotations per minute.Ä The spacecraft°Øs space age °Ægas gauge°Ø indicates propellant usage averages out to 1.75 grams (0.0617284 ounces) of hydrazine a day.
Where is the Genesis Spacecraft Now?
View the simulated position of the Genesis spacecraft. Most images are updated every 10 minutes.
°?What IS solar wind, and why do we study it? How does solar wind affect the planets in our solar system?°± The Genesis mission Web site features a new public module titled °?Solar Wind, Genesis, and the Planets°± that is divided intoWebpages that make up a unit of solar wind study. This is the fourth public module on science as related to the mission, located in the Science section of the site at:
that gentleman on the screen sure looks like °¶
Several American Trans Air (ATA) passengers on a recent flight from Chicago to Los Angeles experienced a moment of recognition when they viewed the in-flight film and recognized a fellow passenger. Genesis Mission Principal Investigator Don Burnett was seated in the cabin while his Genesis mission interview was playing onscreen. You can meet Don and hear him talk about his role in the mission at:Ä
Attention Science Teachers!
NSTABooth#527is where you will findGenesis Education and Public Outreach staff from the Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) and Mid-continent Research for Education and Learning (McREL). We will also bemeeting fellow educators in our workshops. A listing of our presentations including dates, times, and topics is on the Genesis site at:ÄÄÄ
We continue to strive to bring you a mission Web site that is useful and informative. Tell us what you think. We value your feedback; site visitors inform future development and utility on how we deliver information about mission science, events, and activities. You can visit our feedback page and choose the survey that best represents your needs at:
Genesis Mission Outreach E-News features information about the mission, its outreach Web site, and products, services, and materials available from the McREL Genesis Education and Public Outreach (EPO) team. NASA’s Discovery mission Genesis is managed by the Jet Propulsion Laboratory.
Subscription Information
Please forward this e-mail to share with others interested in NASA missions. This monthly subscription is a free service offered by the NASA Genesis mission outreach team at Mid-continent Research for Education and Learning (McREL). Based in Aurora, Colorado, McREL is a private, nonprofit organization whose purpose is to improve education through applied research and development. McREL provides products and services, primarily for K-12 educators, to promote the best instructional practices in the classroom.
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