Status Report

Genesis Mission Outreach E-News, 30th Edition May 2002

By SpaceRef Editor
June 1, 2002
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Martin Lo Honored for Exemplary Work

Martin W. Lo of the Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena, CA, was nominated for the Discover Magazine Innovation Award in the field of Aerospace for his work on applying “chaos theory” to the design of trajectories like the one used by Genesis, computed using his LTool which has defined what Lo calls an “InterPlanetary Superhighway”: paths through space that depend on balanced-gravity points between planets. This helps spacecraft fly though the solar system on very little fuel. Team member Kathleen Howell, professor of aeronautics and astronautics, Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN, joins him in his nomination. Martin is featured on the Genesis homepage at:

Loop One Completed. Four to Go.

JPL Release: Genesis Mission Status May 23, 2002

“NASA’s Genesis spacecraft, on a mission to collect particles of the solar wind, successfully conducted its first flight path maneuver yesterday after completing its first loop around a gravitational point between the Sun and Earth,” according to the latest release from the Jet Propulsion Laboratory. “Genesis crossed the finish line of its first loop and moved smoothly into its second loop yesterday,” said Genesis mission Manager Don Sweetnam, of NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena, Calif. Read more about mission status at:

Where is the Genesis Spacecraft Now?

View the position of the Genesis spacecraft. Most images are updated every 10 minutes.

May 2 Space Day Fun

The Genesis mission sponsored May 2, 2002 Space Day online activities for kids across the country. In a single day, over 150 children had fun with the Genesis scavenger hunt. They completed a quiz to win their choice of prizes, which are being distributed by mail. By visiting the Genesis mission Web site, children and parents had the opportunity to learn about space science and its history, a goal of the national Space Day event. Answers to the scavenger hunt quiz can be found at:

E-Newsletter Opportunities

Do you want to keep abreast of current NASA Discovery Program news? The latest issue of the Discovery Dispatch is now available online at:

McREL Rural E-News is a monthly e-mail newsletter that highlights information for rural educators and others interested in rural education. To subscribe, submit your name and e-mail address to: Are you interested in what’s going on in the rural education scene? will take you to the McREL County Road 1 site for rural educators.

SpaceRef staff editor.