Status Report

Genesis Mission Outreach E-News, 12th Edition November 2000

By SpaceRef Editor
November 30, 2000
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Visit the Genesis mission outreach Web site at:

Countdown to Launch

The Genesis mission will launch mid-2001 from Cape Canaveral, Florida. View the mission timeline to follow the Genesis mission from its feasibility study through the returned sample analysis on Earth. Are you seeking additional mission-related information, including background information, fast facts on the mission, or high-resolution graphics? Visit the Genesis Press Room where you will find an updated graphics gallery, press releases, video files, backgrounders, and contact information for the Jet Propulsion Laboratory media relations and Genesis mission outreach offices, and the McREL education and public outreach office.

Genesis Web Site Honored with WebAward

The Web Marketing Association, Inc., an independent organization devoted to recognizing excellence in Internet Web sites, has named McREL’s education and public outreach site for the Genesis mission an Outstanding Web Site in its 2000 WebAward competition Recognized for its utility and design above and beyond the standard of excellence for Web sites, the site was specifically cited for its ease of use in getting people involved in a NASA mission and its rich content for educators. Winning Web sites were chosen based on seven criteria: design, innovation, content, technology, interactivity, navigation and ease of use. According to the Web Marketing Association, Inc., “Many Web sites win awards, but few awards recognize the individual achievement behind the creation of today’s top sites.” You can read the full press release for this award at:

>From Balsa Wood Airplanes to Aerospace Engineering

Meet Genesis System Engineer Richard Bennett. As chief engineer of the Genesis project at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Richard attributes his career path to both hobbies and education. “I didn’t know I would end up in aerospace. When I was real young my Dad got me interested in building things and electronics. In middle grammar school he helped me build crystal radios and balsa wood airplanes. I got a lot of joy and entertainment from making stuff. I was fascinated by electronics, primarily because of the space program.” You can meet Richard and learn about his role in the Genesis mission by reading his interview and viewing his resume at:

Science teacher conference attendees, will we see you in Phoenix?

On December 7-9, if you are planning to attend the NSTA area convention in Phoenix, Arizona, plan to visit the McREL booth. We would love to talk with you about exciting opportunities for using our free, standards-aligned Genesis materials in your science curriculum! We were successful in reaching many of you at the area convention in Baltimore, Maryland. Thank you for your overwhelming response. It is a pleasure to share the many possibilities of using Genesis education materials in science classrooms across the country.

Genesis Mission Outreach E-News features information about the mission, its outreach Web site, and products, services, and materials available from the McREL Genesis Education and Public Outreach (EPO) team. NASA’s Discovery 5 Mission: Genesis is managed by the Jet Propulsion Laboratory.

Various e-mail programs and versions of Internet browsers handle the links to URLs embedded in this e-newsletter differently. We hope you will be able to navigate easily to the featured sections of the Genesis EPO Web site.

Genesis Mission Outreach E-News is sent to you on a monthly basis. If you do not want to receive this newsletter, please follow the instructions at the end of this page.

SpaceRef staff editor.