Status Report

Genesis L-1 Weather Forecast

By SpaceRef Editor
July 30, 2001
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Eastern Range Operation Forecast Op Number: F2613
Issued: 30 Jul 01/0630 EDT Valid: 31 Jul 01/1632Z – 1634Z (1232 – 1234

Vehicle/Payload: Delta II/GENESIS Mission

Location: SLC 17A

Launch Weather Officer: Johnny W Weems

Synoptic Discussion: Surface and mid level ridge has temporarily moved
south and is expected to be
positioned across South Central FL by late today today allowing the trough
along the Eastern U.S seaboard to slightly strengthen. Today, mid and low
level gradient flow will is expected to be weak westerly with shower and
thunderstorm development expected a bit later in the day due to drier than
normal conditions. The storms, once developed, will slowly move back toward
the coast. The atmosphere over Central FL will continue to moisten and
de-stabilize thru Tuesday, especially the northern parts of FL due to a weak
boundary associated with the mid level trough, thus the forecast is more
pessimistic. By Wednesday, low and mid level flow becomes southeasterly as
a tropical wave passes across Cuba. The main concern Tuesday is the
moisture and showers associated with the weak boundary to the north. By
Wednesday, the primary concern shifts to weather associated with disturbance
over Cuba and its interaction with the weak boundary across N Central FL.

Clouds Coverage Bases (feet) Tops (feet)

Low level 2-3/8ths 3000 7000

Mid Level 3-4/8ths 11000 14000

Upper level 1-2/8ths 28000 30000

Visibility: 7 miles

Wind: 150/5 -7 knots

Temperature: 86 F RH: 72%

Weather: Chance of showers & thunderstorms

Overall probability of violating weather constraints: 60%

Primary concern(s): Clouds & proximity of showers & isolated

Overall probability of violating weather constraints for 24 hour delay: 60%

Primary concern(s): Clouds/showers/thunderstorms

Overall probability of violating weather constraints for 48 hour delay: 40%

Primary concern(s): Showers/thunderstorms

Sunrise: 0643 EDT

Sunset: 2014 EDT

Next forecast will be issued: Tuesday, 31 Jul 01 / 0700 EDT

SpaceRef staff editor.