Status Report

FY 2008 NASA Cooperative Agreement Notice (CAN) Endeavor Science Teacher Certificate Program (ESTCP)

By SpaceRef Editor
May 30, 2008
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FY 2008 NASA Cooperative Agreement Notice (CAN)  Endeavor Science Teacher Certificate Program (ESTCP)

Announcement No. NNH08ZNE003C

Summary and Supplemental Information

The National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) Headquarters Office of Education invites proposals to this Cooperative Agreement Notice (CAN) to develop, pilot, and administer the Endeavor Science Teachers Certificate Program (ESTCP). The Office of Education will provide the technical coordination of this solicitation.

Organizations interested in collaborating with NASA to develop, pilot, and administer a competitive, high-quality, national program for pre/in-service teachers are invited to submit proposals. Under this CAN we are soliciting proposals from domestic higher education institutions, nonprofit organizations, or consortia of organizations and institutions serving students. Partnerships within these institutions and/or organizations are encouraged to apply. Proposals from entities outside the United States will not be considered.

The Endeavor Science Teachers Certificate Program will provide one (1) year fellowships, and unique education and technical experiences leading to teacher certification centered on NASA unique science and mathematics content.

Funding authorization for the ESTCP is provided through the NASA Endeavor Teacher Fellowship Trust Fund, as defined in 42 U.S.C. 2467a.

NASA expects to award one Cooperative Agreement under this CAN pursuant to the authority of 1260.12(d) of the NASA Grant and Cooperative Agreement Handbook. The estimated annual value of the award to a higher education institution or a non-profit organization serving higher education students is approximately $500,000 per year, not to exceed a 5-year period of performance. The pilot program is expected to begin about September 2008, with the full implementation beginning about September 2009. Continuation of the cooperative agreement in the second through fifth year is contingent on the availability of funds, and satisfactory annual evaluation results that indicate continued value to the NASA mission. This document includes further details relevant to the completion and submission of the proposal in response to this CAN.

Award Schedule and Program Dates

CAN NNH08ZNE003C Office of Education Endeavor Science Teacher Certificate Program (ESTCP)

Solicitation Issued: April 16, 2008
Notices of Intent Due: May 9, 2008
Proposals Due: June 17, 2008
Selection Announcement: August 5, 2008

Solicitation Availability: or

Proposal Submission

Persons responding to this CAN are required to register in the NASA Solicitation and Proposal Integrated Review and Evaluation System (NSPIRES) at

NASA Contact

The point of contact for technical and programmatic questions about regarding this CAN is:

Dr. Bernice Alston
Office of Education
NASA Headquarters
300 E. St., SW
Washington, DC 20546

The NASA Grants Officer for this award will be specified in the solicitation notification letter.

SpaceRef staff editor.