Flight 162: Ariane 5 receives its “brains” and the upper stage
Launch activity at the Spaceport is continuing apace for Flight 162 as the
first phase of the Ariane 5’s integration is nearing completion.
The photo report from Kourou shows the Flight 162 launcher as it was fitted
today with its vehicle equipment bay and upper stage propulsion system.
The ring-shaped vehicle equipment bay was hoisted aloft in the Ariane 5
launcher integration building at the Spaceport. Built by EADS-Astrium, the
vehicle equipment bay is considered the launcher’s "brains," containing the
telemetry system, flight control unit, attitude control system and other
Flight 162 is scheduled for a late August liftoff with three payloads:
INSAT-3E for India, e-BIRD for Europe’s Eutelsat and the European Space
Agency’s SMART-1 lunar probe.
Ariane 5’s storable propellant upper stage was lifted to the upper level of
the Launcher Integration Building for its installation atop the vehicle. The
upper stage is supplied by EADS and operates on MMH fuel and N204 oxidizer.
The storable propellant upper stage was lowered into position on Ariane 5.
It fits into the vehicle equipment bay, which was integrated on the launcher
earlier in the day. During launch, the stage burns for just under 17 minutes