Status Report

Falcon 9 and Dragon vertical at launch pad 40 in anticipation for CRS-1 flight

By SpaceRef Editor
October 7, 2012
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Falcon 9 and Dragon vertical at launch pad 40 in anticipation for CRS-1 flight

Falcon 9 and Dragon are now vertical at Launch Complex 40 in Cape Canaveral, FL, in anticipation of the SpaceX CRS-1 mission to the International Space Station. The flight is scheduled for tonight, Sunday, October 7, 2012 at 8:35PM.

The latest weather report, from Mike McAleenan, Launch Weather Officer of the US Air Force, is below:

Launch day probability of violating launch weather constraints: 40%
Primary concern(s): Thick & Anvil Cloud Rules, Flight Through Precipitation

Photos will be at: as available throughout the mission.

SpaceRef staff editor.