Eyes in the Sky II Seeks Grade 9 to 12 Science Teachers
Eyes in the Sky II is a long-term professional development program that prepares high school science teachers to use NASA data and visualizations along with other geospatial information technologies. Throughout the program, teachers and students investigate both global and local environmental issues. The program includes four parts: 1) a 12-week online Web course, consisting of three 4-week modules; 2) a 7-day face-to-face summer workshop held onsite at a NASA research center; 3) one year of classroom implementation, ending with a virtual student showcase; and 4) an ambassador program for providing professional development for other teachers in participants’ schools or districts.
Through participating, teachers will: 1) become proficient using NASA data and geospatial analysis tools; 2) receive a $1000 stipend for completing the online course and the 7-day summer workshop; 3) receive an additional $1000 stipend as compensation for delivering professional development as an Eyes in the Sky II Ambassador; 4) equip their students with geospatial technology skills that are in increasing demand in the workplace; and 5) obtain optional graduate credit through Northern Arizona University.
Applications are due by Jan. 15, 2010. For more information about the Eyes in the Sky II program and to apply online, visit http://serc.carleton.edu/eyesinthesky2/index.html. As there are a limited number of openings available, first consideration will be given to early applicants.
Please e-mail any questions about this opportunity to Carla McAuliffe (Carla_McAuliffe@terc.edu) or Erin Bardar (Erin_Bardar@terc.edu).