EVA Tools and Crew Aids Panel Minutes of Meeting October 15, 2001
The EVA Tools and Crew Aids Panel met at JSC on October 15, 2001, in Building 1, Room 720, at 1:00 p.m. Representatives from the following organizations participated:
EVA Project Office
Hardware Development
Integration and Operations
Engineering Directorate
Crew and Thermal Systems Division
Safety, Reliability and Quality Assurance Office
Hamilton Standard Management Services
Lockheed Martin
Panel members from the following organizations participated:
XA/Panel Chair, XA/Panel Secretary, XA/I&O, DX32/EVA Systems Group, XA Integration and Operations, CB/Astronaut Office, EC5/Crew and Thermal Systems Division, USA FCE EVA and NA/SR&QA.
The following items were presented:
- PRACA Status NS43NS43/G. WrightTerry Miller
Fifteen A total of 13 FIARs are open for EVA hardware. Eight FIARs were reported as past due. The following were statused:
JSCEC0781F 5/16" Wobble Socket (HST). Socket detaching from PGT during STS-103 EVA.
A Corrective Action Implementation Pending (CAIP) closure is in the signature loop. A new ECD of 11/30/01 was assigned.
JSCEC0896 Connector Cleaner Tool Kit (CCT). Alignment mark of N2 cartridge still visible when punctured/seated with CCT.
A CR will be presented at the next EVA Tools Panel to roll the dash number of the cartridge.
JSCEC0860 Body Restraint Tether (BRT). BRT will not stabilize after tensioning. Drawing update to change cleaning procedure (eliminate alcohol) complete.
CR H-1057, approved 10/5/01, authorized EC5 to conduct a life cycle test to determine if the BRT ball stack can provide nominal operation without the inclusion of cable lube. EC5/Roger Schwarz will check on the cleaning status and provide a ROM and schedule.
JSCEC0884 Tether Assembly, Crew Lock. Slip ring on tether assembly failed 45-lb load test.
CR H-0826R3 to address this FIAR is being presented today.
BFCE029F105 Pistol Grip Tool. PGT chatter.
USA/S. Voyles will check on the status of the closure, which is at USA.
JSCEC0871F Waist Tether, and JSCEC0872F Safety Tether. STS-100 anomaly. Red indicator showing on load alleviator strap.
DCNs on the waist tether went through last week. Per EC5/Roger Schwarz, the load alleviator hardware is not in a CARD. The waist tether and safety tether are in separate CARDs. Lockheed is working this issue. A new ECD will be assigned.
JSCEC0893 Right/Left-Hand MMWS Swing Arm. During initial PDA swing arm failed interface check with modular base plate assembly.
Close after looking at inspection results on existing units. A new ECD of 10/29/01 was assigned. An interim status is requested by 10/19/01.
No new FIARs were reported.
Preliminary closure in work. Still had chatter on 5A. Look at closing "as is".
EC5/B. Greene presented a FIAR Status on JSCEC0853F Bayonet Receptacle.
STS-92 and STS-98 crew experienced excessive loads required to remove hardware from Bayonet Receptacles on the Modular Mini-workstation T-Bar and Swing Arms.
The following STS-104 FIARs were statused:
JSCEC0839 REBA Charger. REBA failed to show green LED during acceptance testing.
Going to vendor end of March to get root cause closure.
JSCEC0841 PFR Gimbal Assembly. Roll joint buttons binding.
Need to get with EM for root cause.
JSCEC0842 Modular MWS Gimbal Assy. Fraying of end effector cord.
In work. Cost substantial.
JSCEC0781F 5/16" Wobble Socket (HST). Socket detaching from PGT during STS-103 EVA.
Funded. Design change complete. Close out.
JSCEC0848F Equipment Hook. Inadvertent equipment hook release.
Should have final by next week.
JSCEC0850 Safety Tether. Discoloration of safety tether.
Test results by 3/19/01.
The following STS-104 SAFER FIAR was statused:
JSCER0035 USA SAFER. SAFER battery erratic current readings.
Currently on-orbit. Will not get back until 6A lands. Will need month to do assessment.
The EVA hardware oldest FIAR, opened against the 5/16" hex wobble socket, is 649 days old.
FIARs open by flight:
STS-102 0
STS-108/UF1 6
STS-109/HST 10
STS-110/8A 13
STS-111/UF2 13
- Cert Status NC52/Greg Wright
All certification is closed for STS-102.
There are three open SAFER hardware certifications for STS-100 2 on the SAFER IVA Battery (-305 and -307), and SAFER Battery upgrade. These are pending GCAR updates for closure.
There are 22 open hardware certifications for STS-104, all "green".There are five open hardware certification items for STS-108/UF1. Cert for the EHIP lights is pending the washer change. The ORU transfer bag is built; delivery is expected by 10/17/01.
There are 12 open hardware certification items for STS-109. The APC/MFR and PFR/APC have gone to the Safety Review Panel.
There are two open hardware certification items for STS-110/8A. These include the TERA base assembly and MT energy absorber. The TERA base assembly cert is in the signature loop. The MT energy absorber is pending receipt of the rest of the hardware (springs).
- Mission Hardware Status LM/F. BlissFred Bliss
The following Mission Hardware Status was presented:
STS-102: All hardware has been delivered for flight.
STS-100: STS-98 hardware was received from USA on 3/2/01, and is being processed for the STS-100 Bench Review on 3/16/01. Roughly 20% of Bench Review hardware has been shipped. The other hardware will be sent as it is processed.
ORU transfer bags will be ready for Bench Review, scheduled for 10/26/01. Bags are now going through testing and cert. All payload bay and CEIT hardware have been shipped. A partial shipment of middeck hardware went out on 10/3/01. Another shipment will go out 10/17/01. The MMWS is scheduled to be shipped on 10/22/01. The EHIP lights for this mission are waiting for washer change out. Some new screws were ordered to complete the change out and this should be completed this week. All hardware will make Bench Review.
A shipment of payload bay hardware was shipped to KSC on 10/12/01. Due to schedule slips, Lockheed has a new on dock date for the payload bay/CEIT hardware, which is 11/5/01. Eighty percent of the HST hardware is now in bond after the pull tests. Hardware modifications are now in work. As hardware is completed it will be shipped.
- Actions Review XA/G. LeStourgeonDale Roberts
The following action was statused:
7/9/01-1: Submit CR to extend/track limited life for MUT Tool Carrier and Tether Extension Assembly. Update CARDs.
CR H-0826R3 to revise the limit load for the tether extension assembly is in the signature loop. Per EC5/Roger Schwarz, there is no need for a CARD update for the MUT tool carrier.
- HITS Status Review XA/Jackie Manning
- Gage Status EC5/Kim Hostetler
- H-1049 Add Increased Tensile Loading Capability to Mobile Transport Energy Absorber EC5/Ben Greene
- H-0970R1 Deliver Additional Top Mounted EVA Handrails for Cupola XA/Rich Fair
The weekly "stoplight" HITS Metric Report was presented. This report shows hardware and/or service/
support delivered, on schedule, and not meeting planned delivery date or program need dates. All STS-108 hardware delivery is on schedule. ORU transfer bag delivery scheduled for 1/15/02 will be updated to show an "N/A" flight. The planned delivery date and program need date for the HST McTether spool for STS-109 was updated to 11/30/01 and 12/1/01, respectively. Showing "Red" for STS-110/8A is the Handhold Assembly, with a required delivery date of 10/15/01. Planned delivery date is 11/7/01.
The monthly Gage Status is scheduled for presentation on the first Monday of the month.
This CCBD requests the addition of a spring mechanism to be added to the energy absorber design to relieve tensile loads transferred into the mobile transporter (MT) interface. CETA/MT docking and on-orbit docking and reboost accelerations cause the CETA cart to "bounce" off the MT/CETA coupler interface and transfer tensile loads into the MT energy absorber, potentially damaging the MT. Addition of this spring mechanism will ensure that rebounds during CETA docking or collisions will not hit hard stop.
Decision: Route for technical concurrence.
This CCBD was approved OSB.
9. H-0826R3 Crew Hook Lock Retrofit R3: Revise Limit Loads for Crew Lock Tether Assembly EC5/Roger Schwarz
This CCBD revises the limit load for crew lock tether assembly from 30 lb. to 12 lb (ref: FIAR JSCEC0884).
Decision: Route for technical concurrence.
10. H-0954R3 Modify UF-1/LMC Handrails to Correct Length XA/Kristin OBrien
This CCBD requests shipment of two SEG33106347-807 handrails (8.53" length) to KSC to correct the error of the shipment request of SEG33106347-817 handrails (10.15" length). The -807 handrails were provided from KSC inventory. This replacement will ensure KSC has adequate inventory for future flight requirements.
Decision: Route for technical concurrence.
- Walk-on: H-1042R2 MMWS CARD JSC-38720 Requirements Deviation for HST XA/Kristin OBrien
OSS performed analysis to certify the MMWS swing arm (SEG3310491-303) for STS-109/HST to allow for translation with a PGT and a HST short adjustable extension, which results in a 21" moment arm. The result of the analysis was that when a 21" tool is installed on the MMWS swing arm, the NAS1133#10-32 screws connecting the pivot latch receptacle to the baseplate have a negative safety margin (-0.04) if the certified required kick load of 50 lbs (MMWS CARD JSC-38720, Section is applied. The screws have a positive safety margin of 0.01 if the kick load is reduced to 46.4 lbs. HST wants to translate with a PGT and an HST short adjustable extension installed on the MMWS swing arm, which results in a 21" moment arm. The MMWS is only certified for an 18" moment arm. This CCBD requests a one mission GCAR citing exception to the MMWS CARD JSC-38720, Section required kick load of 50 lbs in time to support STS-109/HST.
Decision: Route for technical concurrence; however, this may not require a CR. There may be an alternative way to write a waiver than updating the GCAR. This issue will be discussed off line with XA/Glenn Lutz and SR&QA/C. L. Ross. If the CR is deviated from, XA/Kristin OBrien will communicate this to the EVA community via E-mail.
12. H-0819R2 Funding to Build Selected Concept for MFR Latch Handle Redesign R2: Request for Additional Funds EC5/K. Hostetler
This CCBD requests additional funding to cover unexpected drawing changes and rework not covered by the original ROM and changes the required delivery date to 10/31/01.
Decision: Route for technical concurrence. Discuss additional funding with XA/Glenn Lutz.
- Discussion Item: H-1062 CARD Changes EC5/K. Hostetler
NX/EA2 is requesting changes to CARD JSC-47672, ET Umbilical Door Latch as follows:
- Change the cover sheet approval page to show MOD and CTSD Branch as "Concur" rather than "Approved by".
- Change the S&MA GFE EVA Section to be Flight Equipment Division, and change the GFE Quality Engineering lin3 to be GFE Projects Management Office, all 3 as "concur.
- Add rationale why fasteners cannot comply with MIL standards in Para. Threaded Fasteners.
- Add statement of why -301 tool has sharp edges and why it is acceptable in Para. Exposed Corners and Edges.
- Change Para. Testing Procedure to impose JPD5335.1 or NASA approved equivalent ISO Quality Management System in lieu of JHB 5312.2.
- State clearly whether the ADP is required or not in Para. 4.2.2 ADP Requirements. This is an SDRD/CARD and the requirement should be clear.
- Change RVM comments to reflect exceptions listed above.
- Table 5.1 shows 911 tag only required. Verify no ADP required to capture history, waivers, any DRs, etc.
- Change Para. 5.1 "S&MA approval" to "Flight Equipment Division" approval. S&MA does not review procedures, only Quality Engineering do unless specifically requested by Project Engineering.
These changes are required to reflect current requirements, to reflect changes in NT organization, and to provide rationale for why exceptions were being taken to requirements.
This issue will be worked OSB.
No further items were brought forward, and the EVA Tools and Crew Aids Panel adjourned.
Submitted by: Approved by:
(Original signed by) (Original signed by)
________________________________ ________________________________
Harriett A. Attaway D. G. LeStourgeonDale R. Roberts
Secretary, EVA Tools & Crew Aids Panel Chairman, Acting EVA Tools & Crew Aids Panel
Note: CARD changes are normally routed for concurrence after the Panel adjourns. Initiators are requested to be present or have representation for discussion of the change.