Status Report

EVA Tools and Crew Aids Panel Minutes of Meeting November 6, 2000

By SpaceRef Editor
November 6, 2000
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The EVA Tools and Crew Aids Panel met at JSC on November 6, 2000, in Building 1, Room 360, at 1:00 p.m. Representatives from the following organizations participated:

EVA Project Office

Hardware Development

Engineering Directorate

Crew and Thermal Systems Division


Safety, Reliability and Quality Assurance Office

Hamilton Standard Management Services

Lockheed Martin

Panel members from the following organizations participated:

XA/Panel Chair, XA/Panel Secretary, CB/Astronaut Office, DX3/EVA, Robotics, and Crew Systems, EC5/Crew and Thermal Systems Division, USA FCE/EVA, and NA/SR&QA.

The following items were presented:

  1. PRACA Status – NS43/T. Miller

A total of 26 FIAR’s is open for EVA hardware. Two FIAR’s were reported as past due and statused as follows:

BFCE026A022 – Draeger Tube Hydrazine – Discoloration on Draeger Tube.

SSM unresponsive.

JSCEC0796 – Active WIF Assy – Active WIF control knob appeared to have increased force to operate.

In signature loop.

Two new FIAR’s were reported as follows:

BFCE029F105 – Pistol Grip Tool – Chattering at torque set point.

In work. Will try to duplicate failure.

JSCEC0839 – REBA Charger – Unit failed to show green LED.

LOC/B. Hughes presented the status on this FIAR. Recommendations are to fly the charger "as is", use S/N 006 as the primary charger, designate the failed charger (S/N 0-05) as the spare, and use top panel test LED’s on S/N 005 if needed during the mission.

The EVA hardware oldest FIAR, opened against the Pistol Grip Tool (PGT), is 497 days old.

The total FIAR’s open by flight is as follows:

STS-97 4

STS-98 21

STS-102 21

  1. Cert Status – NC52/G. Wright

There are 11 open certification items for STS-97. A Materials cert will be done on the PGT Batteries. The Hydrazine Detection Pad will be pulled off STS-97. A GCAR is in work on the Body Restraint Tether. XA/D. Roberts is working the Crewlock EVA Bag cert. A CR is in the system for the QD Bail Drive Tool. There are eight open certification items for STS-98. The Trace Gas Analyzer may be removed from flight. There are 17open certification items for STS-102.

  1. Mission Hardware Status – LM/K. Thomas
  2. STS-97: Nineteen items were returned to Lockheed from Bench Review. Fifteen items will be returned to USA as of close of business 11/6/00.

    STS-98: Part of the TSA hardware has been returned from Boeing and is in the process of being PIA’d for payload bay ship.

    STS-100: Hardware needed for the STS-98 MPLM Bench Review on 11/15/00 is at USA. This hardware will be brought back after Bench Review so a 1027 can be written to properly ship for flight.

    The early de-stow issue was discussed and the Panel agreed that a process needs to be put in place as this is becoming a recurring problem with the current tight flight schedule. Per USA, there is no space for the early de-stow items. The Chairman assigned the following action:

    Action 11/6/00-1: Present recommendations to accommodate early de-stow items.

    Actionee: USA/V. Lilly-Tallman

    Due Date: 11/13/00

  3. Actions Review – XA/G. LeStourgeon
  4. The following actions were statused:

    Action 9/25/00-3 – DX3/R. Gauvreau: Based on data at hand, confirm flight, training quantities, and come up with length of tool (without prototype). Ref: H-0711 – 3/16" Allen Drive with Drop Proof Tether Adapter.

    There has been no response from the actionee since this action was reassigned 10/23/00.

    Action 9/18/00-2 – EC5/D. Glebe: Work with Quality to establish required screening on hooks. Ref: Shuttle Hook Issue Resolution

    This will be discussed off-line.

    Action 8/28/00-4 – EC5/K. Hostetler: Provide plan and schedule for return of airlock ETSD’s, reconfiguration of latch hardware and integration plans.

    CLOSED. Telecon held with KSC and plan put in place.

    Action 9/18/00-4 – EC5/R. Schwarz: Assess how to get labeling on 6A tools and provide ROM to support this effort.

    CLOSED. 6A tools labeled. Did not do ROM. Did not know what tools would be affected.

    Action 9/11/00-1 – EC5/R. Schwarz: Verify test method producing low retraction force is acceptable.

    CLOSED. Using existing procedures.

    Action 9/18/00-3 – EC5/R. Schwarz: Submit ROM for IMS labeling support for FY01 on all EVA tools to stay on Space Station.

    Will send ROM this week.

    Action 5/1/00-2 – EC5/R. Schwarz: Confirm completion of hook cleaning and rework.


  5. Gage Status – EC5/K. Hostetler

The monthly Gage Status was presented. This status shows gages that will expire, gages that are in for calibration, gages that are not in for calibration and new gages and gages in calibration.

  1. H-0663R2 – Additional Flight/Class I EVA Hardware for Inventory – R2: Change Configuration and Delivery Date for General Purpose Caddies – XA/L. Crocker

This CCBD requests additional GP caddies for inventory, a change of P/N, change of delivery date to 3/31/01, and flight effectivity change from 2A.2 to 7A.

Decision: Route for technical concurrence.

  1. H-0905 – CETA ICD Fitcheck Verification – EC5/L. Bailey

This CCBD requests providing a CETA fitcheck template, and providing dynamic and volumetric fitchecks to every segment rail, as well as to the MT.

The following actions were assigned:

Action 11/6/00-2: Evaluate CCBD and advise Tools Panel if this request is to proceed.

Actionee: XA/D. Roberts

Due Date: 12/4/00

Action 11/6/00-3: Complete ROM per recommendations outlined.

Actionee: EC5/L. Bailey

Due Date: 12/4/00

  1. H-0469R7 – Update STS-97 (4A) ESEL – XA/R. Fair

This Revision 7 to the STS-97 contains serial number changes for middeck stowage, and middeck deletes (return of Bilateral Tool Caddy with Prybar, Gold Salt Hydrazine Detection Pads.

Decision: Route for technical concurrence.

  1. H-0235R5 – Update STS-98 (5A) ESEL – XA/B. Counts
  2. This Revision 5 to the STS-98 ESEL incorporates USA requested TSA hardware serial number changes, adds the PV Thermal Cover and deletes 1 Gap Spanner from the port TSA. Return updates include the addition of the PBAS, HSBC left on 2A and the Z1 Clevis Adjustable Equipment Tether left on 3A.

    Decision: Route for technical concurrence.

  3. H-0904 – QD Bail Drive Lever – XA/G. LeStourgeon

This CCBD requests building the QD Bail Drive Lever to work for the 1.5", 1.0" and 0.75" QD’s.

Decision: NA requires interface data from Boeing before concurrence on CCBD. XA/G. LeStourgeon will be responsible for obtaining this information and forwarding to NA/G. Wright.

No further items were submitted and the Tools Panel adjourned.

Submitted by: Approved by:

(Original signed by) (Original signed by)

________________________________ ________________________________

Harriett A. Attaway D. G. LeStourgeon

EVA Tools & Crew Aids Panel Secretary Acting EVA Tools & Crew Aids Panel Chairman

Note: CARD changes are normally routed for concurrence after the Panel adjourns. Initiators are requested to be present or have representation for discussion of the change.

SpaceRef staff editor.