Status Report

EVA Tools and Crew Aids Panel – Minutes of Meeting – July 2, 2001

By SpaceRef Editor
July 2, 2001
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The EVA Tools and Crew Aids Panel met at JSC on July 2, 2001, in Building 1, Room 818, at 1:00 p.m. Representatives from the following organizations participated:

EVA Project Office

Hardware Development

Integration and Operations

Engineering Directorate

Crew and Thermal Systems Division


Safety, Reliability and Quality Assurance Office

Hamilton Standard Management Services

Lockheed Martin

Panel members from the following organizations participated:

XA/Panel Chair, XA/Panel Secretary, XA/Integration & Operations, CB/Astronaut Office, XA Integration and Operations, CB/Astronaut Office, EC5/Crew and Thermal Systems Division, DX32/EVATask Group, FCE/EVA, and NA/SR&QA.

The following items were presented:

  1. PRACA Status — NS43NS43/G. WrightTerry Miller

Fifteen A total of fifteen (15) FIAR’s are open for EVA hardware. Three FIAR’s were reported as past due; the following were statused:

JSCEC0781F — 5/16" Hex Wobble Socket. Socket detaching from PGT during STS-103 EVA.

Latest drawings from OSS are required to update DCN’s. New ECD 7/25/01.

BFCE026A024 — High Strength Clamp. Unlock push button will not extend.

New ECD 7/15/01.

Two new FIAR’s were reported and statused as follows:

JSCEC0882 — MMWS Retracting End Effector. Lever sticking during actuation at cold extreme thermal acceptance testing.

In XA for signature.

JSCEC0883 — Portable Foot Restraint Gimbal Assy. While performing preinstallation acceptance test the roll push button was sticking.

Interim requested by COB 72/01.

Preliminary closure in work. Still had chatter on 5A. Look at closing "as is".

EC5/B. Greene presented a FIAR Status on JSCEC0853F — Bayonet Receptacle.

STS-92 and STS-98 crew experienced excessive loads required to remove hardware from Bayonet Receptacles on the Modular Mini-workstation T-Bar and Swing Arms.

The following STS-104 FIAR’s were statused:

JSCEC0839 — REBA Charger. REBA failed to show green LED during acceptance testing.

Going to vendor end of March to get root cause closure.

JSCEC0841 — PFR Gimbal Assembly. Roll joint buttons binding.

Need to get with EM for root cause.

JSCEC0842 — Modular MWS Gimbal Assy. Fraying of end effector cord.

In work. Cost substantial.

JSCEC0781F — 5/16" Wobble Socket (HST). Socket detaching from PGT during STS-103 EVA.

Funded. Design change complete. Close out.

JSCEC0848F — Equipment Hook. Inadvertent equipment hook release.

Should have final by next week.

JSCEC0850 — Safety Tether. Discoloration of safety tether.

Test results by 3/19/01.

The following STS-104 SAFER FIAR was statused:

JSCER0035 — USA SAFER. SAFER battery erratic current readings.

Currently on-orbit. Will not get back until 6A lands. Will need month to do assessment.

The EVA hardware oldest FIAR, opened against the 5/16" hex wobble socket, is 558 days old.

FIAR’s open by flight:

STS-102 0

STS-104 (7A) 102

STS-105 (7A.1) 132

STS-108 (UF1) 14

STS-109 (HST) 16

  1. Cert Status — NC52/Greg Wright

All certification is closed for STS-102.

There are three open SAFER hardware certifications for STS-100 — 2 on the SAFER IVA Battery (-305 and -307), and SAFER Battery upgrade. These are pending GCAR updates for closure.

There are 22 open hardware certifications for STS-104, all "green".All certification is closed for STS-104 (7A). There are three open certification items for STS-105 (7A.1) and three open hardware certification items for STS-108 (UF1).

  1. Mission Hardware Status — LM/F. BlissKevin Thomas

  2. The following Mission Hardware Status was presented:

    STS-102: All hardware has been delivered for flight.

    STS-100: STS-98 hardware was received from USA on 3/2/01, and is being processed for the STS-100 Bench Review on 3/16/01. Roughly 20% of Bench Review hardware has been shipped. The other hardware will be sent as it is processed.


    All hardware was shipped for STS-105 Delta Bench Review.

    NOTE: A new wire tie needs to be PIA’d for STS-105. The crew at Bench Review broke a wire tie. XA/R. Fair was requested to provide additional information on this occurrence.


    All hardware was shipped for MPLM Bench Review.


    No activity to report.

  3. Actions Review — XA/G. LeStourgeonDale Roberts
  4. There are two open Tools actions. Action 7/2/01-1 to investigate options for resolution of EHIP lights FIAR is due to be presented to the 7/30/01 Tools Panel. Action 8/28/01-3 to provide plan for materials testing of returned OIH material has a due date of 10/1/01.

  5. Pending CR Review — XA/G. LeStourgeonDale Roberts

Pending CR’s were distributed for concurrence.

This item was deferred.

  1. H-1014 — Cert of IFM Allen Wrenches for contingency EVA on STS-109 — XA/Cal Seaman
  2. This CCBD requests certification of the 5/32" and 1/8" IFM Allen wrenches for contingency EVA use on STS-109. The wrenches will be stowed in the airlock in a caddy and will only be used for contingency tasks. The contingency task torque will not exceed 3 ft-lbs for the 5/32" and 2.5" ft-lbs for the 1/8". These tools were certified for these contingencies on STS-103.

    Decision: Redline CCBD to allocate multi-mission certification. Route for technical concurrence.

  3. H-1015 — Change Configuration of Bayonet on Bilateral Ratchet for STS-109 — XA/Cal Seaman
  4. This CCBD requests moving the bayonet probe on the bilateral ratchet wrench to the opposite side of the wrench. This allows the wrench to be stowed on the inboard side of the right MMWS swingarm with the socket facing toward the rear of the crewmember. The STS-109 crew have to use both the PGT and ratchet during the same EVA. This allows them to save time by leaving both tools configured with sockets.

    Decision: Redline CCBD to fly Ratchet Wrench on Type A TPS with alternate bayonet configuration. Route for technical concurrence.

  5. H-1017 — Replacement Node Slidewire — ROM Cost and Schedule — XA/Lori Crocker
  6. This CCBD requests ROM cost and schedule to build a replacement for node slidewire, P/N SEG33106344-301 that will reach its life limit in December 2002.

    Decision: Route for technical concurrence.

  7. H-0686R8 — Update STS-104 (7A) Tools ESEL — XA/Barbara Counts
  8. Revision 8 of the STS-104 (7A) Tools ESEL incorporates PB exercise PCMIA card part number changes, as well as serial number and location swaps identified in the latest USA MUPP.

    Decision: Route for technical concurrence.

  9. H-0925R1 — Update STS-109 (HST-03B) Tools ESEL — XA/Barbara Counts

  10. Revision 1 to the STS-109 (HST-03B) Tools ESEL adds one wire tie caddy, one ERCM, two 12" sockets, one PGT/EHIP Y charger cable and deletes one adjustable fuse tether and one ballstack. GSFC-provided hardware adds, deletes and nomenclature, part numbers and location updates are also included.

    Decision: Route for technical concurrence.

  11. 7/16" EVA Bolt/Bolt Gage Issue — EC5/Kim Hostetler

There are two versions of the 7/16" EVA bolt gage. Both have the same configuration on the no-go side. The original go gage is a 12-point gage and can check either 12-point or hex bolts. The new go gage is a hex gage built by OSS and can only check hex bolts. The new gage was developed due to difficulty with building and calibrating the old 12-point version. This configuration was concurred upon by SVITO since 12-point bolts on Station are limited.

After two instances of bolts failing the new gage, it was learned that there is a more fundamental difference in the two gages than just the bolts they can check.

  • 12-point gage is a fit gage

  • 6-point gage is a manufacturing gage

If the new go gags fail a bolt, recommendations are as follows:

  • Measure bolt to verify it conforms to the EVA ICD (valid rationale for closure since the new go gage can fail small quantity of good bolts due to tolerances)

  • If bolt does not meet ICD, as near-term solution, use 12-point gage to see if bolt will fit sockets

  • If it does not meet EVA ICD, waiver or exception should be filed with the EVA AIT to document

  • Concerns from Engineering expressed on effects of bolts being out of ICD spec (bolt or socket damage concerns), but no hard data yet to support

The following action was assigned:

Action 7/2/01-2: Verify torque multiplier socket requirements are dimensionally equivalent to other EVA 7/16" sockets.

Actionee: EC5/K. Hostetler

Due Date: 7/30/01

  1. Gage Status — EC5/Kim Hostetler

The monthly Gage Status was presented. This status shows gages that are new and in calibration, gages that will expire in 4 months, in for calibration, gages that will expire in 4 months, not in for calibration, expired gages in for calibration, expired gages not in for calibration, and gages with TBD or no calibration. USA will present this status once the JSC to USA tool transfer takes place.

Ms. Hostetler informed the Tools Panel that Cleveland Specialties is being dropped from the JSC Cal Lab list of approved vendors due to receipt of bad data (ECOM socket and assy gage kit). She also reported the 7/16" bolt head go/no-go gages are out of tolerance and are being held for re-inspection. Lockheed is researching other vendors. They expect approximately six responses to their bid questionnaires, which were sent out 7/2/01. Response is expected in 2 weeks. After selection, a site inspection will be held. The new vendor must be approved by the JSC Cal Lab.

A status and name of new inspection companies will be presented to the Tools Panel on 7/16/01.

  1. HITS Status Review — XA/Jackie Manning

The weekly "stoplight" HITS Metric Report was presented. This report shows hardware and/or service/support delivered, on schedule, and not meeting planned delivery date or program need date. Showing "Red" for hardware deliveries for STS-104 (7A) is one Shuttle Generic Tool Caddy, which is no longer needed for flight 7A. Four flight units have been delivered. Delivery date for the last unit is unknown. This is pending an ECD from EC5/David Glebe. If there is no response from EC5 this week, Ms. Manning will inform the Chairman, who will take request to a higher authority. Also showing late for delivery are the general-purpose cutter replacement unit, EHIP light assembly, EHIP/PGT cable, PGT/EHIP Y-power charger cable, battery helmet lights, and battery pack assembly charger

No further items were brought forward, and the EVA Tools and Crew Aids Panel was adjourned.

Submitted by: Approved by:

(Original signed by) (Original signed by)

________________________________ ________________________________

Harriett A. Attaway D. G. LeStourgeonDale R. Roberts

EVA Tools & Crew Aids Panel Secretary Acting EVA Tools & Crew Aids Panel Chairman

Note: CARD changes are normally routed for concurrence after the Panel adjourns. Initiators are requested to be present or have representation for discussion of the change.

SpaceRef staff editor.