Status Report

EVA Hardware Board (EHB) Minutes of Meeting July 25, 2001

By SpaceRef Editor
July 25, 2001
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The EHB met at JSC on April 18July 25, 2001, in Building 1, Room 360, at 1:00 p.m. Representatives from the following organizations participated:

EVA Project Office

Hardware Development

Integration and Operations

Astronaut Office

Engineering Directorate

Crew & Thermal Systems Division

EVA and Spacesuit Systems



Hamilton Sundstrand Windsor Locks (HSWL) via telecon

Hamilton Sundstrand Management Services



EHB Board members from the following organizations participated:

XA/Chairman, XA/Secretary, XA/Tools and Crew Aids, XA/EMU, XA/Integration and Operations, CB/Astronaut Office, EA/Engineering, EC5/EVA and IVA Equipment, LC3/Business Team, and NA/SR&QA.

The following items were presented:

  1. Hardware Integration Schedule XA/Barbara Counts

No significant changes to report.

  1. PRACA Status NS43/Terry Miller

  2. Twelve A total of seventeen (17) FIAR’s are open for EVA hardware and are shown by flight as follows:

    STS-100 (6A) 0

    STS-105 (7A.1) 91

    STS-108 (UF1) 13

    STS-109 (HST) 17

    STS-110 (8A) 17

    Six (6) FIAR’s were reported as past due and statused as follows:

    BFCE026A024 — High Strength Bridge clamp. Unlock push button will not extend.

    In signature loop with XA.

    JSCEC0781 — 5/16" Wobble Socket (HST). 5/16" Wobble Socket detached for PGT during EVA.

    On hold for drawing updates. An interim is required for UF1.

    JSCEC0860 — Body Restraint Tether (BRT). BRT will not stabilize after tensioning.

    Requires a DCN. New ECD 8/8/01.

    JSCEC0871F and JSC0872F — Waist Tether. Red indicator showing on load alleviator strap.

    Additional work is required.

    JSCEC0881 — EHIP Light. Flat washer permanently deforms when torqued and will not allow cap.

    New ECD 8/8/01.

    One new FIAR was reported as follows:

    JSCEC0886 — Top Mounted Handrails. Discoloration found inside of handrail bracket tube and a powdery substance found to be aluminum oxide during PDA.

    Evaluating corrosion with an effort to segregate the failure to one lot. A routine tag-up, with XA/Kristin O’Brien and EC5/David Glebe, will be established during the failure investigation. The ECD is yet to be determined.

    No FIAR’s are open for STS-100.

    STS-104 (7A) FIAR’s were statused as follows:

    JSCEC0839 — REBA Charger. REBA failed to show green LED during acceptance testing.

    EC5/ Hiep Nguyen will be going to the contractor (Summit) 5/4/01.

    JSCEC0863F — Modular Gimbal Assy. End effector is sticking/not closing (STS-98 anomaly).

    EC5/Roger Schwarz reported that he is getting more information from Oceaneering. There may be a "broke" in configuration control. Getting story.

    BFCE026A024 — High Strength Bridge Clamp. Unlock push button will not extend.

    EC5/Roger Schwarz reported the hardware is going through vibe testing this week.

    STS-105 (7A.1) FIAR’s were statused as follows:

    BFCE029F105 — Pistol Grip Tool (PGT). PGT Chatter.

    EC5/Roger Schwarz reported this FIAR is still unexplained. The PGT will be shipped for MPLM Bench Review the end of the month. Interims will be written within the next 2 weeks. Hardware is to be left on-orbit.

    The Chairman requested a note be added to the status to show dates interims are needed, shipping on open DR, etc.

    The oldest FIAR, against the 5/16" Hex Wobble Socket, is 579 days old.

  3. On-Orbit Limited Life Status — NA/R. Toler
  4. Limited life expirations through January 2002 were presented along with a summary of the plan for returning the hardware. EC5/R. Schwarz is to verify the limited life requirements and correct life limits.

    Two MUT tool carriers on-orbit expired in May of this year. The EHB recommendation is to waive the life of this hardware. This recommendation was supported by SR&QA and CTSD will generate the waiver. The OTA will be swapped on STS-108/UF1. The TGA will also be added to this list.

  5. USA Limited Life Status — USA/Nancy Jeanne Neason
  6. USA presented four (4) EMU items with life expiring before January 2002. The brief/waist assembly will be returned on STS-105 (7A.1).

  7. Certification Status — NS22/Greg Wright
  8. Open certification for STS-105 (7A.1) includes the EVA Winch & Mount Assembly and the Trace Gas Analyzer (TGA). Open certification for STS-108 (UF1) includes the PFR bridge clamp, body restraint tether (BRT) and SAFER. BRT and SAFER certification are pending ESEL updates.

  9. EMU RDR and Certification Status — NS22/Greg Wright

EMU RDR’s open by flight are as follows:

STS-105 (7A.1) 0

STS-108 (UF1) 24

STS-109 (HST) 1

There is one open certification item for STS-105 (7A.1). There are two open certification items for STS-108 (UF1). The athletic support assembly will be demanifested on the UF1 ESEL Revision 2. MAG’s are being used. There is no open certification to report for STS-109.

  1. On-Orbit FIARs/DR’s — XA/Glenn Lutz
  2. A draft of new IFA’s from STS-104 (7A) was presented. The closure dates are very aggressive and the actions will be baselined at the 8/1/01 EHB.

  3. Funds Transfer Status XA/Janice Hall
  4. There are no changes to report at this time. New updates will be transferred The books are in the process of being closed for this fiscal year.

  5. EMU Rotation Plan (H7130) — XA/Lara Kearney
  6. Changes were presented at the 7/18/01 EHB. The next revision will be presented on the 4th Wednesday of the month.

  7. USA SAFER Flight Logistics Plan (H-0933) — XA/Anh Huynh
  8. Changes to the USA SAFER Flight Logistics Plan will be presented to the EHB on the 4th Wednesday of the month.

  9. IFA Status — XA/Glenn Lutz
  10. IFA STS-102-2 for eye irritation was closed. LiOH is not the cause of the eye irritant.

  11. EHB Actions Status — XA/Greg LeStourgeon
  12. This item was deferred.

  13. H-0913R1 — New 5/16" x 10.3 Wobble Socket — Authorize Builds — XA/Jeff Dutton
  14. This CCBD requests authorization to proceed with builds detailed in the baseline CR. The location of the wobble is yet to be identified. Proposed delivery is scheduled for April 2002.

    Decision: Approve with changes.

  15. H7145 — EMU SSA In-Line Cable Voltage Regulator (ILCVR) Certification — HSWL/C. Russo
  16. This CCBD produces and certifies the ILCVR and O2 pocket connector extension. No formal presentation was included with this CCBD as there are controversial technical issues at hand. The technical issues have minimal cost impact with the exception of additional testing that has been requested. XA is willing to start the task and modify the CCBD for certification if warranted. The technical issues on certification procedures and requirements will have to be resolved before this CCBD is approved.

    This task has an aggressive schedule for ILC. Currently there is a 3-week variance in deliveries from what ILC Dover has proposed.

    Decision: Route for concurrence and then hold until technical issues are resolved.

  17. Tether Shuttle Design Modification — EC5/Lora Bailey
  18. The crew is concerned that the Tether Shuttle (TS) Lock can be inadvertently unlocked resulting in removal of the TS for the MT rail. Informal crew concurrence was received on the design, and an experienced CM brought the concerns forward. In order for the TS to become unlocked and dislodged, a sequence of five (5) events must occur. S&MA pointed out the three (3) levels of redundancy and stated that it can be used without SAFER.

    EC5 recommends implementing operational constraints. If this is not workable the second recommendation would be to add an additional locking mechanism. With the three (3) legitimate levels of control, there is not a substantial safety issue.

    Decision: At this time no further action will be taken. The Board concurred with this decision.

  19. SSER Concerns with Implementing Reflight of an EMU with Only V1103 Screening — EV/Mark Chavez
  20. This agenda item was deferred. MV/Mark Chavez and EC5/Rob Boyle are to work this presentation through a separate meeting with XA/Glenn Lutz.

  21. TGA Certification Extension Status — EC5/Ralph Marak

The GCAR and the CARD for the TGA need revising to update the maintenance to 10-years on-orbit with maintenance. Without maintenance the hardware can remain on-orbit for 1 year or two EVAs. The unit currently on-orbit will expire February 2002. This hardware can give faulty readings for both a false positive and a false negative. The program will have to assume risk if this hardware is allowed to remain on-orbit.

Decision: EC5/R. Marak will provide a refurbishment plan, cost, and schedule. Evaluate multiple options and provide a future plan. A GCAR update is required by 7/30/01.

No further items were brought forward, and the EHB adjourned.

Submitted by: Approved by:

(Original signed by H. Attaway for) (Original signed by)

___________________________ ____________________________

Tami Ethridge Brian Johnson Glenn C. Lutz

Acting EHB Secretary Acting EHB Chairman

SpaceRef staff editor.